Suruos Starr Eugene A. Smith, State Crologtst Walter H. Hones, Ass't State (Geologist Stcioait 3. Uogd, CGeoIogtst HobertS. Hodges, Chemist Holand TO. Harper, fficographer A. T. gonoho, Secretary TOuscum Staff Eugene A. Smtth, 5irrrtor Harrs E-Wheeler, Curator tn Charge TOrs. Herbert H. Smtth. Assistant TOrs. Thedora Hhoades, Edurattonat director TOiss (Geraldine Armstrong, librarian llniuErsitg, Alabama Hay 20,1927. IIr.Pet9r Brannon, Dept .Archives Fa History, Montgomery, Alabama. Dear Hr .Brannon: Inclosed please find a document which we cannot very well handle in this office. I trust that you can answer the questions ashed, or else refer him to some one who can. With best wishes, I am. Very truly yours, v ✓ Bugene A.Smith, State Geologist. 111c lo sure