date of March. 15, 1929, issued from San Antonio, a general letter to our Louisiana Division Membership, in effect telling us that he is gratuitously.including Louisiana in the new Travelogue although the amount of §1050.00, forwarded by us to San Antonio "does not pay Louisiana’s share of the ov-rhead and general expense". The fallacy of such a statement, is obvious. Incidentally, no mention is made of finaneial_participation by the seven or eight other states and the efforts of our Louisiana Division officers to obtain a financial statement of the organization? has failed. There is a need for maintenance cf a volunteer organization to function in the general interest of the Old Spanish Trail and attract travel to use of the Trail0 Such an organization, if efficent-ly and economically operated, will have the support of the cities and towns served by the Trail. The identity of the Old Spanish Trail, as such, should be preserved- A Meeting will be held at the Unamber of Commerce, Houston, Texas, on Wednesday, May 8, 1929, at IC:C0 A. M» to discuss future plans for the Old Spanish Trail and agree upon some form of organization to function in the interest of the Trail. Every city and town in Louisiana is urged to appoint delegates to attend the meeting. Advise me the names of your delegates as soon as possible. Louisiana should be well represented and we should fully cooperate in working out Qld Spanish Trail plans for the future. Advise me the names of your delegates as soon as possible. Approved: Cordially and Sincerely, Julius Dupont, President, W. B. Gill, Secretary, Louisiana Division, Louisiana Division 0. S. T. Ass' 0. S. T. Ass’n. Crowley, La.,