Siider IfgL Gollege FOUNDED 1665 TRENTON NEW JERSEY Jan. 30, 1S38 Mr. Harold B. Ayres, 109 Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. My dear Harold: Just learned from Mr. Traver, of Trenton, that you are in San Antonio, and darn your old soul, I feel like giving you a good verbal castigation for not letting me know that you are still this side of Heaven. I had lost track of you for so many years that I rather suspected you must have climbed the "Golden Stairs." Glad to understand that things are going- along splendidly with you away down there in Texas. Just talked to your sister and she tells me that you are enjoying superb health, all of which rejoices me very much. The first time you come North again, don't fail to come in to see me so that we can have a little visit together. The best won't be too good for you. I am sending you, under separate cover, a few pieces of literature that we think may interest you. Let me know what you are engaged in down there, and where you have been and what you have done since you left Asbury Park. You were very kind to me those first two or three years I was in New Jersey, and I shall never forget it. Awaiting a few lines from you, I remain G/L Sincerely yours, OFFICERS FRANKLIN B.MOORE JOHN E. GILL SADIE L. ZIEGLER SECRETARY BERNICE A GEE TREASURER WILLIAM R. MURPHY JOSEPHW^SEAY FRANKLIN F MOORE