2 In going over old Harper's Magazines ,I found the following articles that I thought might be ox interest to you,if you have not already read tnem, as follows; April 1854 Vol.VIII pages 576- 596 "Incidents of Travel in New Mexico" by G.Douglas Brewerton page 579 contains an old picture of a view between Taos and Santa Be. page 595 ruins of the catholic caurch at Pecos and also ruins of Astec temple at Pecos In Vol.VII August 1855 pages 306-354 is his "A Ride through the Great American Desert ,A Ride wita Kit Carson "(the second part of this title is firstj page 307 a view of tae street in the Pueblo Los Angeles, . "Sugar and the Sugar Region of Louisiana" in the same Vo/.VII 1853 November Page 746-767 gives on page 761 a fine picture of an old sugar mill which shows what they were like,and the old sugar mills in Florida now ela.imed to be olu Spanish missions are much on the same plan. 1 do not believe these old stone mills were ever anything else than sugar mills. In volumes XXIX and XXX arc articles by J.Ross Browne entitled A Tour Through Arizona VolXXIX pages 553,689 and Vo1.XXX pages 22,137,283,409 Bage 555 VolXXIX picture of Mission of San Jose de Tumacacori " Tueson Casas Grandas 27 " XXX " San Xavier delBac (1865] Tubac (He states these missions were built by Jesuits. Imuriz :-ch at Magdalena Mission of Cocospera San Lazs.ro Sants. Cruz Hacfends, of San Antonio Mining Company aper is a few. In volumes XXXVII and XXXVIII are articles by Browne on Lower Califarnis « 559 11 " 710 " " 27 " XXX » 50 It 11 » 139 II M » 141 M 11 » 144 „ .1 " 147 11 11 " 148 1! 11 « 283 11 11 Each paper is I think I gave y.u once before the reference to Vol.LV 1377 page 851 "San Antonio de Bexar" by Harriet Prescot/spofford.November 1377. with a number of pictures of the old missions there,two of the cathedral San Fernando,, La Concepcion, two views ox San Jose, doorway and sculpture of San Jose , de Espada.the Alamo Mission and other sketches. The letter of Mrs.Gertrude Harris Cook with the circular about her book I referred to the Executive Committee of the St.Augustine Historical Society and they sent it to the Chamber of Commerce who also wrote to Mrs.Cook. There is no one here who could finance any history. All the work that I have none has been free of any charge to the Society and City ,I was satisfied to get appropriations to buy the books and maps we needed for our library and never had all the money that I wanted for that purpose. Our endowment fund is now only twenty-five thousand dollars and with one oi-ganization after another trying to take the care of the Fort away from us .that fund will be very necessary if we lose the Fortyto maintain our library. I am not librarian or on the Executive Committee as I refused to be re-elected in 1931. I I find a few more items in the Harper's. Vol.IX p 667 April 1880 "La Villa Real el Sante Fe" illustrated. LXI p 185 "The Sante pe Trail" illustrated. Vol.LIX p 703 Oct.I879"Through Texas " illustrated.