May SBnd, 3 917, Hr, Harry Locke, 652 South Olive Street, los Anglees, California, Dear Harry: Heferrinp to your letter on the foot of my letter of the 14-th, Mr. Lloyd sent 49 guides, I presume this is close enough, or do you wish : e to Jjo hack and. ask him for the other copy, Proctor was not at Talahassoe when I -.was there, as he had pone to south Florida, Mrs, Phillips suggests that if Proctor would turn over to the Boosters Club the guides ho has left, and Bend cheek for the balance, she might be able to either soil the guides for you, or persuade the Boosters Club to buy them from you advise. She Convention was' a success, in every way except attendance. Both houses of the Florida Legislature unanimously passed memorial to the Government asking thorn to complete the Old Spanish Trail as a Military High-way, I am not counting on the Government com-leting the High-way, although there may be some thing ih it, as the A.A.A. advise that at the request of the Government, they are preparing ^lans for a marginal high-way along the Pacific Coast, along the Atlantic Coast and along tho Gulf, ^ore later. Your:; truly. Secretary,