• ;V V f;j IKi.Ju, ~ -ffoeldoxit ntust rauign. ■'■.-■■• ouy.LOi’&.i's»l0vi -u'.id va;uV:/'.: • ? ro i«l»e to at^,1^ ;:"'x ">• . I ; r'. -;U* eo;..,orciai orgunXsuticma of „;-v: .■aatouio Till be *• >int representativee to anaeting to pirn i&©ir co- ■' ■'•-■Siviia is “the Xo.rio^i citr; for the .:;sa4gvjui*tsi'n4 ofi ^ -vc 1-tnuusolvos is the root la tfco ivoonort if*- ••7.!'-. T'f; :v;~ ;ov.axo.-a;?.s it should ho laid iovn ■:■. just that ;thru her oiifio ormnisations, fcclo i'.-y :■loo-*-utlvo _ -Vihittf>-3 '.at, i'dc non&Qo-'.OiVb mx?it. a At tea o obsolete j-volitodfi uxl r-clicios Inherent :,u a p2?o^oot of this b&gaita,dd.. 5 •'•• '-looting; of the 'I’oxao niroetors snfccfc with the iisecutivs to ;•?>.- ait too and the to . ; treater will bo Jought for Vrida* os? . 'ovo. ■ : :,-r zi- o'A . 'utonio* and all councilors nes&ers r.tttl friends ■ ' ! ■; 013 SI oi..I fee ooSSM to aftfit in .:•• • •„; untsoaio for {JOllf O'." GUCs 0 ‘v- .j. -V.t ri: I -. h'iV'j i’.ctio ;ss.efc for this wcx-ic.; it has heorn ShoSr rjoaberahlps’ that vo ;n::.:;;t::inta it thru tho past threu ‘.mat’s. Tho f iat end the tost are doing big things la t sir seotionss, and now tu.;, nr* vos&z to etand fcflth 'Mi for .; m . . r..;v. holv< xov; o 'tViJ.flol, aotionol loroc behind ttio pro^eot* the j- Xoeh to 5j®xa» for ■&» leadar^hip t £ : It J.;.: - .1 eon- Taatloa .ihon hoid. :-vv;- ■■•,■'- ■ :• . i ckh ■ a a&Ottf t.tid. . - cog, ma i.:;.:-:'v. ;.. i.. Lho l-v'oareate of t3i« old :■ anish Trail g y. rorrivvv:;''.uhr.lv>, ...‘.oul- lytu wr-4 ats Ocofarattoa was hold at LCohihe, largely ttcaolad hj the officials . , la of florida, :u a:v:u.'.-u.v;u u .' Bwlfllnff1 ■ fhfit i , invitation iV'o’a too ' .-j',.' QrleSns civic «r£..^inuvio«B, xy ft .> - ,'u the first of t)?.a - L' ct fulCvui., u: .^.v.: ;r.■ u: u; u U". r-,. .;7iv/GU>.1:Ur;U5 Kterfessys o civic tion» of vf. f zoyoz&l section are all o£ thosa < otivalj forging the Old Spanish teail mtcrasts : utt exs active coo-striuciicn . • ~f.o ' v.yhif-itcn roruxta ivvci.! out o: tlif t wordv f’iouo people •• •• ■ •> zo', ..'...Li'}.' plane, for tu.o lico-f • 'o>xieroii®o, co ao-o oor.o: r»v. oo c»»•« ov.'.d-.ovi; for r.hend~ tut tf.:r u of iv:.o londor^ of fsiOhiur.tOE, oad axm officials, and fro official; of r.n ito 'tv otudoo to.uu. If tto'/vK'uol -fern'tortioa e. n lu: $cix-.Q& vX%h this, y-dsr- eonf^-onc-e r.t now trio" no it vfould firing •'•■ nliJitt foreo togoi.hor " u:; oeooufUsIi . u.r,;r 7 fho Chcrohor of Ccu. oroo of fen /.ntonio tlxra fto Hig-htsa; ^siiort- aaait can, sad it is btiUffiMUl apsatear ; fu t. .• x.;ou.;.c :.. .,u-.'.,ux is nor/ "o-ii? ‘/oair-^rd .ill’ intor,. t1?,o Uriita^ ^fetors Ljhoirld iqkv- x*fca tr. -i'u t friGc- il o (3si-i edition it’O'■ iuu iatosio to .. ho on --f z'riy-ior-u .xu 'ioooulu;:?;' or Jonadvr, vroulc. vrohoV-lv 1' Joined a% Phoonis; b.y_j , l«a b'i t' •;■ Sun Hiego Ohunioer of horanoreo,. Hotarj, .ir-’nio a,na tyaiov civic^clixliis, could 'bo offioitili ■ ;?-rrt of this expedition, as those_ eiajbs hove oona ia tha luat, end vsoric of far-rcicIiJag vcluc to tho — -v;Uf fv. il.. h}-id f02‘ iao coavs^tloa, uad fox a lieu -J. 'flulix.t.., utu.x result, UnloGG this -nyif ofrJ work ecu go on irith x. clcc/a /. :.’iSjaiatr;'u.lOii. s nation .Ilf visioned x-rogrew, it will dio« Il’crGforOj in brief: San Antonio 'Dim 'this Xiocutivc Ic. riittoo ; -ui Ujo/civic oi; xU:.-v':xu.;■: ;,ni' ._••■■-x •Antdnlo’ii pert r/Hl l>o settled — and cm .’.ntoalo uill do hor fall '2hru this gathering of I'esao ?:.o5abors, faxae condition'.', u-iil ho v«SP%. te« loaBS&eB^ar Slf ittaa of altlaaa® will ;■;•;■■.-.r. ^ ,•: ,.;:..v - :- fc® liolp bttJlljl up this -'aid 1/1:07 ploil-'