JULY 5, 1952 Majestic Building/ My dear doctor: ■^.Jy ■' • Lei me report on the glasses you prescribed for ne Api'il 1950. I have .suffered nervous break-downs ever since I began using then and a series o£ tests new trace this to the glasses. • August 1920 en optician in Oiilfhert, -.» ns* glasses. hero are outstanding facts ?j? oto details— During 1?29 (while wearing CuMVjort glasses) ny oyss aid mental energies revs subjected to the most gruelling ae^vj.ca of awy y?:.r with!a lata memory., and I suffered no diaconfort. Hay end night -T war? intensely busy. ■•eb-..'2rrV. /pr..vo worn vIrvining and holding on ir terhatj o-.al -14 Spuuiah Trail ceiabra-tian fcl Saint -nguetivie. fan a motorcade across the continent from California to this celebration. Save tire, T wrote, proofread, cud published the March 1929 tr-volog of 52 closely organised nagos of history, date, and travel information* ha the notdjTroa .: was the directing head of all dctailaj schedules, receptions, banquets, etc. Eights., after others had given .up and gone to bed 2 ran -'V<.v ••-; tor tcief'rnph office putting out publicity, telegraphing instructions for coning days, and helping steer tho Saint Augustine celebration by telegraphic contacts. ' ext morning vao up early, fresh and ready. ihore '.via no break or let-derm thru all this? at the end of throe months all I needed was sleep. Other intense dav-and-ni -hi activity kept «n thru, the year. In the fall vie ran a motorcade from Saint Augustine to California. My eyoa end glasses stood thru these periods twiee on# reasonable servico. The year 1