jOOO r ADS IN FLORIDA "THF UVEST ROAD MAGAZINE IN THE SOUTH '—$1 .00 PER VEAR 224 E. FORSYTH STREET Jack.onyille. Florida June 7,1917 Mr.Stewart a. leBlanc, Mobile,Ala. Bear Sir:— I than*: you for tne copy of Mr.Cocke's speech but am returning it because Mrs.Phillips sent roe another copy from Tallahassee and you say this is the only one you have so I’ll play safe and send it. bach while the opportunity is ripe. It does seen a pity that we cannot get roau reports on that territory west of the River --the part you are especially interested in. v/e have written about a dozen letters in tne attempt and had OWE reply—from the secretary of tne Rotary Club . in Pensacola,who is a personal friend of mine and just wrote a little "than! you1' letter and sent in a subscription. v/e dont want V/est Florida people tp thin! v/e dont appreciate tne fact that they,too,are interested in road work and yet they are liable' to think so and through no fault of ours. What do you do in such cases? Why not put us on your mail list for your weekly bulletin, v/e v/ouid be glau to use so 10 of it and give you proper credit. Very truly yours, Editor.