September 27, 1922 xr. Chas. Grach-?or, Chairman Advisory Board. Dear Hr. Craebner,- 1’hc Advisory Board of the 0S2 is as follows. See History Booklet herewith where marked. Charles Graebner. Phone C 67 G 3 3 steme, (Wolff 1- Marx) IIr3. Ilenry Drought, H ’ 461 Mrs. Erhard Guenther, C5609 (Understand she is away) ' - (Hasn’t attenG9d for a long while.) Leon !T. Walthall, C 6050 L 3 Stoner, Crockett Hotel, C 4000 Dr. A.C.MeDan iel, n 519 Monneth■Winer, c 1680 C.r•Wuc st, 9 ravelera Hotel, ■C *8650 Iiarry 1. Miller, W IT Beckmann, 5? 57 {Represents Birkhead a Lang, Mrs'. 11. A.Moos, C 1475 and also Mrs. Guenther) Pranz Groos, I 124 (Has never served) Percy fyrrell, c 5992 Judge Aug. HcCloskey. n 1402 (Has never served) Mayor Blacky J .1! .Covington, County Commr. c 1402 Mrs. Winchester ICelso, c 2158 D E Colp c 2260 Herbert Peair3, c 2268 Local Directors' Dr. Prod 3. Johnston, E. 3. Ayres, c 3992- -room 607 Gunter Hotel Will assist in any my I can to cot representative meeting. I!y whole purpose is to establish the facts and get this nork properly administered. I have known what the facts were; the problem has been to make them clear to others and get constructive decisions. Sincerely Managing Director.