August 14, 192:1, J. Vi. ?our«ay, Fdgl’.wsy Engine©?, Louieirma Hi<.,Uvajy CoKnia ?ic»M „ Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dear Sir: old %sniah Trail i£cny thunks for your latter of August lltb re 15igolots*-.'SLi«Jcll and Peurl Hiv r, iiinciesippi, tfighv'ays. Congreaahm James O'Connor desires to be of every pausiblo assistance to bringing about the early completion of this project, X ass aura he -ould be glad to do nil he con to vsipo away the red tape which sight delay federal aiu. The bar Department ragr.rde tbit project a a ensentlsi to the national defense, and would, 1 foci sure, help all it can. I suggest the Highway Couniooion seek the assistance of Coigressmn O'Connor. Very truly. (Original Signed) '•"alter Parker, General Manager. HEW ORLEANS ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE, Copy to: Honorable James O'Connor H. B. Ayree Ray Fleming. HE'-? CUL'CANS — JUiF.rXCA'3 MOST TNT': 3'HHG CITJf, \7P S