at Mennrdville by the San Saha river in Menard county® Later great stagecoach trails from San Antonio developed northward to Fredericksburg and to this fort® From Fredericksburg a trail branched westward and south-westward thru the Big Bend country to c Chihuahua , Mexico® From this trail another branched at Comanche Springs (Ft® Stockton) and passed thru Limpia Canyon, Ft. Davis and the Davis Mountains, and another passed north of the Davis mountain's, cheating the old stagecoach trails from San Antonio westward to FI Paso and thru to California® At Menardville is still to be seen the ruins of a n old Spanish fort® She traditions are the Spanish had a rich mine there the location of which has become lost and that the fort was in protection of that industry® The San Saba Trail from San Antonio, according to Mr® Locke and the traps which he has, left the front of San Fernando Cathedral at San Antonio All old roads start from the Plaza in front of this Cathedral® The San Saba Trail proceeded to San Pedro Springs; thence somewhat east of but more or less parellel with the present road to Leon Creek, crossing it at the present crossing; thence almost on the (resent road to the spring a Leon Springs® From Aue it follows the old left-hand or stags road to Boerne ; thence by the present road to the Spanish Pass, thru the Pass to the right of the present road; thence down the valley ox Zink's Creek, crossing the Guadalupe at Scott's Crossing; thence up Block Creek, crossing Big,Hill at or about the present crossing. Across Grape Creek at the present crossing and Perdenalas Creek at about the present crossing; thenoe to Fredericksburg along about the present road®