November HS„ 1917. Mro Palmer Pillans, Prosidont , Old Spanish Trail .'.nshciatlon, Mobile, Ala* Dear Your loiter of October 16th, a ddressed to Mr. Y/i Ilian Allen, Manager of our Convention and Tourist Bureau, together with copfioa of lettern aid telegrams addressed to your Association by the New Orleans Association of Comm rco, wan handed to the undersigned by Hr. Allen upon his return to the City* The r?cv.r ">rlf- c-ns Associate n of Co cree is anxious to have as may highways as possible ml:; this City thoir terminus. The Old Spanish Trail Highway is one of our old highways that should bo encouraged* A Convention of the Old Spanish Trail Association we believe, would grdatly benefit not only New Orl ana but ov ry City and town located along the Highway# Of coarse New Orl ans wants the Old Spanish Trail Convention and we therefore re.,u*.:st you to give us information as to bust when 0 wo can arrange for such a Convention in this City* An early reply will bo appreciated. Yours very truly, Chair m a n , GOOD HOADS BUREAU* Copy to : Mr. S. A. LeBlanc, Sec. Old Spanish Trail Assn*