HO’® 365 Botes avenue anuary 22, 3.950 p, Claude • Dirkheud, an Antonio. ^ dear Claudej your letter waa nice. I have received a number like it. They help reps- no the sacrifices I have known only too well I war. naming. 3 eafceen, more perhaps in you realize* the net taut men live you have an appreciation of tho probWjs I ave faced for 10 years. "hat you do ia a tribute to you for much of the j'oide tor/ has not yet 00 w out. Clotting 000,000,000 together in 0. few vours, and far project that was not inteadod, politically, to be put over, is not ’-Hhout fielo. nd y policy haa boon to use ,y influence and intelligence quietly and lot the carol© me pressing to the work enjoy the live light. Some inaide history io now proa-* sins to core erf thru Washington. y rocent Decoration by tho King of Spain in 'her light on the inaide otoiy not yet ’aoovm. I will be glad when men like you more of this unpublished history for I have had your money, your eympatly, your -ill these years- to help mo "carry on? and I want you to know how much your co-tion really meant. I faced three fha.iam'ontal difficultlea: 1. the Official plan until 1922 was not to build tho old Spanish Trail but to tako be aoutlmwi trunk line hinge on Atlanta, with tho westward trunk thru outgo- -iery, capital of Alabama; JackiJOu, pap its. I of . ieoioeippi, bhreveport, Dallas, Elpc.so to Califor-ia, and distribute from this-trunk to the southern.territory. Chin route was (and till is) ge..jgmphicaUy logical;: it was' 'politically boot supported; .it was financially %' to put over. 2. orth ivory chaf er of commerce of importance was ccT’i.tted to trunk linen from tho -v- running oouthv/ard. An eaot and neat trunk line, 00. far south, must await according to their dictum) the working out of the co-invocations .down to the South. 3* Tho financing and enyineerins proble m of the Old Spanish 'frail project were Morally conceded as inauTrvomrlable; at least until the other and rare important ntnk lines wore built. those obstacles had not been overcome there would have boon no Old Opaiifeh ^ the southern national trunk line would tove crossed March Texas. "toot cordially* Hcrral Ayr os