highway or its territory the Spanish atmosphere greets him. St. Augustine, Tallahassee, Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, San Antonio, El Paso, Las Cruces, Tucson, Yuma, San Diego! East or west, desert, mountains or gulf, the marks of the padres and the coiv-quistadores are there to make men pause and try to peer into that courageous past. At first the project was a dream to connect New Orleans, La., with Miami, Fla. The Spanish atmosphere East is not so pronounced as in the West. It lies buried under a mass of modern ideas. Why didn’t they give their little project some commonplace name, some Main Street thought? I have asked often who thought of the name? What vision prompted it? I do not know. The minds of those men are hazy on this. It was several years before the dream child spanned the continent. When it did and the wealth of Spanish history and romance in the Southwest enveloped it, the Old Spanish Trail was found so appropriately named no one will ever come in response to its lure and find its history lacking. The Old Spanish Trail country will become the Nation’s playground. Florida and California have long been the popular retreats of the people. The country lying between, the Gulf of Mexico country and the Mexican Border country are as alluring, and now they are opened. The travel movement is already changing for travelers are learning they can head due south and find travel comforts and the benediction of a sunshiny climate all winter. In the East the people are capitalizing the Old Spanish Trail name. They know people will be drawn by that name. In the West they are still toying with a medley of names or a colorless highway number. Yet the old Spanish atmosphere of the West is one of its glories. The real capitalization of the Old Spanish Trail now confronts us. The most fascinating lands on the American continent are now linked together by the golden band of an historic travelway—Florida, Mobile and her bay, the Mississippi Coast, New Orleans and Louisiana, South Texas, Old Mexico, southern New Mexico, Arizona and California. This is America’s oldest frontier. It is the last frontier for homeseekers, and the wealth of a great Nation is already pouring into it. When highway numbers shall have passed into oblivion the Old Spanish Trail will be luring people to its lands as its founders dreamed. OPERATING THE BAKER, DALLAS, TOO ROOMS 700 BATHS THE TEXAS, PORT WORTH, 000 ROOMS 000 BATHS THE GALVEZ, GALVESTON, 200 ROOMS 200 BATHS THE GUNTER, SAN ANTONIO, 050 ROOMS 500 BATHS THE MENGER, SAN ANTONIO, 200 ROOMS 200 BATHS THE STEPHEN F. AUSTIN, AT AUSTIN, 250 ROOMS 250 BATHS THE THOMAS JEFFERSON, BIRMINGHAM, ALA., 300 ROOMS 350 BATHS THE BAKER, jnNERAL WELLS, 300 ROOMS 300 BATHS THE EDSON, BEAUMONT, 300 ROOMS 350 BATHS Hamjuet (ttompltmeutB nf lljr g>mt Antonin (Eljaintrcr of (ttnmntprn? (ffnjataf Sail Snout, (Suulrr Sjntrl 7:00 P. M. Fresh Fruit Cocktail Supreme Hearts of Celery Ripe Olives Tomato Bouillon Rossa Wafers Filet Mignon, Fresh Mushroom Sauce Rissole Potatoes Green String Beans Old Spanish Trail Salad Cheese Straws Peach Parfait Cakes Demi Tasse THE BAKER HOTELS