MOBILE, March Si, 193S Mr. I?.0« Biddle, Honagiug Mirector, Autcrbbiie Club Jacksonville. Ds&r Mr. Kiddie,- Yours letters £9th lx ...c and tc Kigali reaclveu. iTrai'lrly, are 'ratter plei eing* X like • ir : ■■■:■ I di,i aot know I Kan lankin.! . ii foraer l©tter«» I h- v<-> noth;.?.-, uraiixt jrfe.oUr.vr.viJl©. I third. possibly I could h: ve i'. xv.t..V;r mIoivu. t t.-.. '- I Id bull . lor.;, tr;’ ■ kinEsvay «OVk, as ••<• »*nj ‘ high ...... 0] •» .. .. but ?: try :>. •••■• L’-- -bi-sna • •. • land the highway built. It 1® 01 - of tlx la'.-iv rJ-aay a r.f 1>.:t -:l SVxtO© ... • t!/ - t difi'lOUl:. it it; i-roblSKO. ~ r;. sDrfc;. ;.rc.> Z I’lcifl-a. ...a I Irrvs xld before, but C ' t I 0X1 ell.: gCJ*t *r. : . 1 . JC after tjlfi j rc blSB© constructively. v«ay agai ist the big cities; they arc coo xoJT -'j. nn.-i -, ■ rxbdi'Sauj croaiis for sen: oroial •' V .;... fe ... , ... ' i t I;. '-V •'. V. - against JaOkSQ Villa* Jot hours is Mobile h............oa;...: i... Beet . ti • , .._ -•-. s are still ctuTiv'/in;'? it*. a -.xu editorials as *. result. i;ut it took three »;.ont:.AU u:. vt-rt. by i.u* ?! at?/.died oor.aitiora lx .--lx liirootioaa ae an expert i l eve the & bi , seapreheasi - program. They .v.v.: X • : :t■•.■•.. .J iiiva >. . . e 0O< Witj he ■. . .. ,■ . t: 0K>i‘... • il .. -. : : • IWould scat ae not less then a month in tiae wad the expenses. four letter .... • r . %■ . . : -v . , ; !• .your people there hou1< personalis iiitoreut yourselves um ^.:ui- ec-yn: ow vuc.;;: i.a u bi;. a...a w:vy.- I an daa to note in ./am* iattc..r your i.-rcareat ir. the OST I tiiink ,;ou vu , t to try to^ita-j rv .. .v: out, for thty aesft auch to Florida. The aneloeed PR0Q3 ' • OF THE OLI SFAFISff TKML /jives you noas ea.slae in c;y aiod. You ;.. .r'tir.a • „ l>vlin nt 2jt.iiilii.aowe. This r.oetinf; at Mobile is tii: outgrowth cl LuuL tx jl.;.. I found Ivi, ;X slippinp, ai-i tdu unit.; nf Luo work Wi... threatened. Ncv; ail tuis eeetioi is wonderfully uslded an-, working. 'Tursc to/.i.s w»-» thie bri-.'.tr« ^ueetloxi sue liopul&aa un.i. .ui^iui^y #iu‘k hud all *wi. al-u k te-i to work aroudtt c*y Montif.oaory• It «.sec*» inorsdibis, but. it’s true. ■TviiJb lit it. 3 olos-.; til a W iu.yiac; J v»oi>iu linu t, out v ,;thotie.’.ily v;itn you thdra- thu i.w!•-v. dsativ.iea of tbs t'CT. X^ believe the OST should arid, at nt Auguotire <»ind tha ©«.st dos-st of Florida be allowed to t.ha Dixie Higliway, alti.o I m> still beond b.v the vote x uroviov:; oonvoctiaa. 1 believe tea sa