'T^tniieh Jibicifejs Qnaie^ COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE. May 7,1917. S’. R. So Phillips j Eeqo, Convention Secretary* Old Spanish Trail Association First National Bank Eldg*, Tallahassee„ Florida* Boar Sirs The kind invitation of The Old Spanish Trail to participate in the Third Old Spanish Trail Conventions to be held in Tallahassee or. Friday and Saturday, May 18th and 19th, has been received. to ice this invitation and I wish very much I could be with you ®n that occas» sion. The preen of public businoss here at this tide, however* is such that i ait unable to leave the city, and 1 therefore must forego the pleasure of participating in your convention. '& hope the Convention will be a moBt successful and enjoyable one, and with kind regards, 1 am. 2 deeply appreciate the kindness of the Association in extending Yours very truly DUNCAN U. FLETCHER. FLA., CHAIRMAN. OCQROC E. OHAMOERLAIN, OREO. KNUTE NCL30N, MINN. JOSEPH E. RAN3DELL, LA. WILLIAM ALDCN SMITH, MICH. MORRIS 8HEPPARO, TCX. WESLEY L. JONES, WASH. JAMES K. VAROAMAN, MISS. LAWRENCE Y. SHERMAN. ILL. THO.MA8 3. MARTIN, VA. BERT M. FITnNALD, MC. JOHN H. DANKHCAD. ALA. WILLIAM M. CALDER, N. Y. FURNIFOLO MCL. SIMMONS, N. 0. HIRAM W. JOHNOON, CAL. WILLIAM F. KIRBY. ARK. J. M. CATHOART, CLERK. D. 0. THORNTON, ASST. OLERK.