I Ilovoubor S, "'oar Mrs. fkiillpq, hours ox Sopt. 26 respecting the ".Jefferson v. vie niMuvay" and also of Oct, 2th respecting Havana matter, hot’:. dnl?- received. X ’... to been fighting c. Ms ■•'. battle since X returned, hvieo this dolur. B; c. Ms fort sue v;o have c president who is good, all-around fellov:. bat' . a failure sc r. business, end nlvo-s chert of none:; , . serestl;-, long absence si st rc& at Washington ; - .re hir. o .ort-v-.it.? to estalMich yor'iing arrange:sent?: rrith Coin, who novincML; v r in ekusro .Mile 7. wc nuav, to personslize this v;hole Todcs situation •• • M : r... ■ for - months ’-Vers followed the clcl storv, of v.*or!:r. is:: ;eonls II the" vsrc north. I eoncunaaet it all, but as ..resident he has cert,! ■_ log-, x >ov.'3rr., e.ao.r.itlr a ec“su.itso of citizens . hi,; I, w veals sot. veM got to be rat out.'* this Old Spanish frail nasi c.lec i v hound'1® ■ ooth. Soad srelv§ jet to repair sorrowful lot ■ ' ' 5 hero in fexs s m;; an j I may sonsi tie cell to the honest ; v. . sves- Mo M .".tie to Iso .•'do.I fie, and a. hove no fear of the roshonso., -Mo . . Mo w vt 'let an; one abuse this OSS work-, if tec;- knot' it. ;et, j v Mk tee rv/U of Wav Mtonio will go along vitt me, . nV v:c sill : M v ho .so v: v hv Mtonio :.. M-cr, and stand before the rest of : v ' v'c : - vote; of Me lev orvb 1. ontmvtecl to San In tonic. hot1, ere- oho of the per sons uho Usovs i-c- mob c, d ho s Mv -re Me lioadaohes, trying to her;;- Mis nor'-: ttiBhy-; vu ••■ud trilling; clova. . I e vo witten i. o Trier n vMvud sill ni gov. coo?; of aag reply. '■ our letter to Jiire v:o.? 'so good, I lust stood behind that. could 1 publish jour letter to r.in? X hove kept Mo c . ,■ sent. I enclose copy of letter to M. , lorn- Mi odost regards. Am trying to get .out c ;ether Magazine, and keep it going. It can b; riarla, ■ a pener for holding up the deals of the cork. Sisb it's mono? again.. ^r..! ■ Sin cor cl?., S ''' ■ ...I ■ A . , ■ - f&tiaging Director.