CLASSES OF TELEGRAMS A full-rate expedited service. NIGHT MESSAGES Accepted up to 2:U0 a.m. at reduced rates to be seat during the night, and delivered not earlier than the morning of the ensuing business clay. Night Messages may at the option of the Telegraph Company be mailed at destination to the addressees, and the Company shall be dccincd to have discharged its obligation in such cases with respect to delivery by mailing such Night Messages at destination, postage prepaid. PAY LETTERS A deferred day service at rates lower than the standard telegram rates as follows: One and one-half times the standard Night Letter rate for the transmission of 50 words or less and one-fifth of the initial rates for each additional 10 words or less. ■"SPECIAL TERMS APPLYING TO DAY LETTERS: In further consideration of the reduced rate for this special Day Letter service, the following special terms in addition to those enumerated above arc hereby agreed to: a. Day Letters may be forwarded by the Telegraph Company as a deferred service and the transmission and delivery of such Day Letters is, in all respects, subordinate to the priority of transmission and deliver of regular telegrams. n. Day Letters shall be written in plain English. Code languago is not permissible. r Tins Day Letter is received subject to the express understand- SERVICE* ing and agreement that the Company does not undertake that a Day Letter shdl be delivered on the day o.- its date absolutely, and at all events, hut that tee Company's obligation in this respect is subject t’.s the condition that there shall remain sufficient time for the transmission, and. delivery of such Day L .tier on the thou-■•.■.id dollars, at which amount caen me age i3 deemed 10 bo valued, unlcsj a greater valua is stated'in writing by tho sender thereof at the lime the message j • loader*- . 5* » t: m-uuission, arid uni the. repeated-mo ssago rate is paid or agreed to be paid, and an additional charge equal to one-tenth of one per cent of the amount by v h ut- • vai ) ;tii,u shall esc?- i ihouse.nd dollar.: 3. The company is hereby made the agent of the sender, without liability, to forward :hi3 message over the lines of any other company when necessary to reach i*3 destination. 4. Messages will bo delivered free within one-lialf mile of the company's office in towns of 5,000 population or less, and within ono mils of nuoli office in other cities or towns. Beyond these limits the company docs not undertake to make delivery, But will, without liability, at the sender's request, us his agent and at his expense, endeavor to contract for him for such delivery at a reasonable price. 5. No responsibility attaches to this company concerning messages until tb« sutoo arc accepted at one of its transmitting offices; and if a message 13 sent to such office by one of the company’s messenger:), he acts for that purpose as the agent ol u *• header. G. The company will not be liable for damages or statutory penalties in any case where the claim is not presented in writing within sixty gays after tho message ia filed with the company for transmission. 7. Special terms governing the transmission of messages under the classes ot messages enumerated below shall apply to messages in each of such respective classes ‘■in addition to all the foregoing terms. S. No employee of luo company is authorized to vary tho loregoing. THE WESTERN! UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCORPORATED NEWCOMB CARLTON, PRESIDENT