Reproduction of the helmet of Charles V, able Commander and mightiest monarch of the sixteenth century. Fashioned by an un-known craftsman, it lias been passed on to posterity as a brilliant example of the art of its day. In it, as in all enduring works, the perfection of detail stunds forth as its outstanding attribute. Eminence in the realm of manufacturing, as in art, is builded upon the skillful execution of detail. It is this skill which exalts a work above the level of the commonplace— which has lifted great artists to fame and immortality. It has contributed, probably more than any other factor, to the brilliance of the New Commander Eight. This Spanish "dure" of the year tyqr, picked up near the shores of lit 'QuiSlador, is reminiscent of the early visits of the old-world Conquifladorcs. It was this coin that was cut into eight equal portions like a pie for small change. Thus came into existence the "pieces of eight", so familiar to every lover of pirate Stories. The pieces were also called "hits”—whence the expression of “two-bits" for twenty-five cents, or the quarter of a dollar.