San Antonio, Texas June End, 1985. Mr. L. R. Allison, Assistant Hwy. engineer. State Highway Department Austin, Texas. Dear Mr. Allison: RE:File ITo. P-8 Y7e appreciate yours of the 88th respecting the attempt to re-name the Old Spanish Trail in Texas. This organization has "been in operation for ten years and the membership is extensive and very much aroused, therefore it is necessary for us to get a clear understanding. The enclosed newspaper item was published. The Highway Bulletin for May, page 10, appears to verify this item according to- the line reading: "State Highway Ho. 3 otherwise known as the Jefferson Davis Highway or the Old Spanish Trail." This is causing a number of difficulties. The Old Spanish Trail, of course, is interested in protecting its integrity as a national highway of long standing and that has enjoyed the full cooperation of the various states and of the United States for many years. Incidentally it is still more confusing to have this east and west highway officially labeled Jefferson Davis Highway while you have also labeled the north and south highway the Jefferson Davis Highway, and I am informed have so marked it. Until the integrity of the Old Spanish Trail is recognized as a national highway the concern of the membership cannot be abated. V7e may be able to help the situation, however, if you can clear me on all points. Appreciating your attention, I am Very truly yours HBA/b enc. N.I H. B. Ayres, OST Managing Director