4 POPULATION—MISSISSIPPI Table 2.—Population of Principal Cities from Earliest Census to 1930 [A minus sign <-) denotes decrease] i Returns Incomplete; slnvo population not reported. 1 Not returned separately. Counties. Table 3 shows the population of fbo oo „_ .. . , _. . . , . 1890 to 1930, together with the Ld area ofeah onnnT 'V", MlSS1Sf'5p‘ fr°m square mile in 1930. Of tliese counties 61 show Y ai'd 'tS P°Pulatl0n P°! 1930 while 21 decreased in population ’ No new on "T*? bet"'Cen 192° since 1920, and there have been no changes in county bounda^s °rgam NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION 5 Table 3.—Area and Population of Counties: 1S90 to 1930 [A minus sign (—) denotes decrease] POPULATION COUNTY areain square 1930 1920 1910 1900 1S90 Per cent of increase 1930 Total square mile 1920 to 1930 1910 to 1920 Mississippi.. 40,302 2,000,821 43.4 1,790,018 1,707,114 1,551,270 1,289,600 12.2 -0.4 Adams Alcorn Amite Attala Benton 420 3S0 714 715 390 23,50-1 23,053 19,712 20,035 9, S13 55.3 01.3 27.0 36.4 24.8 22,1S3 21.3G9 IS, 900 24,831 9,851 25,205 18,159 22,951 28, S51 10,245 30,111 14,9S7 20,70S 20,248 10,510 2C.031 13,115 IS, 19S 22,213 10.5S5 0.2 10.7 4.0 4.8 -0.4 -12.2 17.7 -17.4 -13.9 -3.8 Bolivar Calhoun Carroll Chickasaw Choctaw S79 579 021 501 114 71,051 1S.0S0 19,705 20,835 12,339 80.8 31.2 31.7 •11. G 29.8 57,009 10,823 20,321 22,212 12,491 4S, 905 17,720 23,139 22, SIC 11,357 35,427 10,512 22,11G 19,892 13,030 29,950 14, CSS 18,773 19.S91 10,8-17 23.2 7.5 —2.S -0.2 -1.2 17.0 -5.1 -12.2 -2.8 -13.0 Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah •1S9 075 •108 530 709 12,152 19,079 17,931 •16,327 31,014 24.9 29.2 •13.9 S7 1 •11.1 13,019 17,927 17,490 41,511 2S, 072 17,403 21,030 20,203 31,217 35,914 20,7S7 17,741 19,503 20,293 31,395 14,510 15,820 18,007 IS, 342 30,233 -0.7 9.8 iT.'g 10.3 -25.2 -17.1 -13.4 21.3 -20.2 Covington > Dc Soto Forrest3 Franklin. Qeorgo3 •110 475 402 547 475 15,028 25.43S 30,115 12.208 7,523 30.7 53.0 05.2 22.4 14,869 24,359 21,23S 14,15G 10,909 23,130 20,722 15,193 13,070 24,751 *’*i3,'G7S' 8,299 24,1S3 "'16*424' 1.1 •1.4 41.8 -13.3 -12.1 5.3 -2.5 -6.8 Grccno3 Grenada Hancock « Harrison 3 Hinds 710 •142 409 570 85S 10,014 10.S02 11,415 41,143 85, US 15.0 35.0 24.3 99/2 10,430 13.C07 10.3S0 32,855 57,110 0,050 15,727 11,207 31,058 03,720 0,795 14,112 11,SS0 21,002 52,577 3,000 14,074 S.31S 12,481 39,279 2.1 23.5 10.0 31.4 49.0 72.4 -13.5 -7.4 -5.2 -10.4 Holmes 8 Humphreys8 751 403 3S, 531 21,729 51.3 00. G 34,513 19,192 39, OSS 3C.S2S 30,970 11.7 -11.7 Issaquena Itawamba Jackson 3 •100 529 710 5,731 13,225 15,973 14.1 34.5 22.5 7, CIS 15,017 19,20S 10,500 14,520 15,451 10,400 13,514 10,513 12.31S 11,70S 11,251 -24.7 10.5 —1C. S -27.9 7.7 21.3 Jasper JctTcrson JclTcrson Davis 1 007 507 40t 18,034 14,291 14,2Sl 27.9 28.2 35.3 18,508 15,940 12,755- 1S.49S IS, 221 15,391 21,292 14,785 IS, 9-17 0.7 -10.4 0.1 -12.5 Jones 41,492 59.0 32,919 29.SS5 7o2 19,019 20,348 20,492 17,901 11.5 -3.0 Lafayotto 004 19,978 30.1 19,243 22,110 r . Lauder cl alo 700 52,748 75.4 •15,897 •10,919 o' n 12,003 13,0S0 37.9 10,973 18,29S 17,300 14.S03 28.5 -7.2 Leflore 413 35.313 7S.8 29, CIS 2S.S9-I 2_5 573 93.5 37,250 30,290 45. G 24,052 Lowndes 29.9S7 CO. 1 27, 032 30. 703 Madison 725 35,790 49.4 29,292 33,505 32,493 27,321 22.2 -12.0 Marion 8 535 19,923 37.2 17,144 15.599 tU) Marshall... 24,809 30.1 20,105 20. 79G Monroe 770 30,141 •10.9 32,013 Montgomery 15,009 37.7 13. S05 17,700 Neshoba 20,091 47.0 19,303 17,SS0 12,720 11,140 38.3 7.4 Newton 503 22,910 40.3 20.727 23,0S5 Noxubee- 25,SCO 37.5 23,710 23.503 Okttbheha •157 19,119 41. S 10.S72 19,070 20,1S3 Pnuola 28,018 41.2 27,845 31,274 Pearl Itivor 9 19,405 24.3 15,408 10,593 0,097 2,957 25.5 40.6 Footnotes at end of tablo. IVrnFASF I INCREASE OVER FRECEDINO j „ , 0,E,™DI™ CITS’ AND CENSUS ' Popula* CENSUS CITS’AND CENSUS PopuIa-| CENSUS YEAR j tion _____--------------- ! ybA I Number j Percent ! Number Percent Bil°R'30............... 14,850 3,013 j 35.8 |930............... 13,282 25,405 HI.# 1020............... 10,937 2,888 35.9 1920................ 22817 1,555 7.3 1910................ 8,019 2,5S2 ! 47.2 910............... 21,20. 13,440 1,2.0 1900................ 5,407 2 233 i 09.0 1900................. 7,8m 1,890 32 0 1S90................ 3,234 1,091 i 110.0 1890................ u,920 (10 13.8 18R0 1 MO JiSfl 61.4 1SS0............... 5,20-1 9/0 22.9 870................... 954 !................. 187ft.............. 4.231 1,043 32.7 ............................. j 3,191 1,310 C9.0 Clarksdalo: I ! 18.10......... 1 1,8SI .......................--- 1930............ 10, CM3 2.491 I 33.0 Iaurel. 1920............... 7,5.12 3.473 1 85.1 j* 193b............. IS. 017 4.9S0 33.2 1910............... 4,0/9 2,30»» ; 130.1; ]Q20 . 13,037 4,572 54 0 JB.............. 1.773 992; i27.o imo;;;;;;;:::: mgs 5:2:2 m.i 1800...........| *S1 1900.............. 3,193 .................. Columbus: I McComb: 1930...........| 10,743 242 2.3 1 1930............... 10,057 2,232 29.4 1920...........1 10,501 1,513 1C.S 1920................ 7,775 1,533 24.7 1910............ 8,038 2,501 33. C 1910................ 0,237 1,790 40.3 1900...........| ft, 434 1,925 42.2 1900................ 4,147 2.06-1 SO. 0 1S90............... 4,5.19 GOl 15.3 1890................ 2.3S3 401 20.2 18S0............... 3,9.15 —857 -17. S 1SS0 1,982 ................. IIS............! «•«? >•“} £5 Meridian: rS.............( 007 2C’7 1930............... 31,954 8,555 30.0 1 M............I 2,011 , 1920............... 23,399 114 0.5 Greenville: '£2............... 23.235 9-235 <>5.7 1930............ 14, S07 3,217 23.1 25.......................................... 222 1920...........1 II, MO 1,950 20.3 80°. f’510 1910...........1 9.010 1,903 25.8 if™................. £<*5 1,209 1S’° 1900...........: 7,0-12 981 14 8 ls,°.......... 2, (09 .......................... 1S90................ 0,058 4,407 203.9 Natchez: 18S0................ 2.191 1,301 1-16.2 1930............... 13,422 814 0.5 1870.................. 890 1920......... 12, COS 817 0.9 ,, . 1910............... 11.791 -419 -3.4 “................... ‘jrg *s si s™ sjs a? 2 f HIS::::::::::: 2:21 i?:i IISS................ 3’°7° ’’°71 1828 ,sc0................ 0,012 2,178 40.1 IS................... ],?2 717 2125 MO........... 4 434 ........................... I6NJ.................. 30S 1810......... (J) r,llfnnrt. JgO..........I 2.789 CO.i...........27.*7 Gulfport.- 1820.......... 2.18-1 673 44.5 930................ 12,547 4,390 53.8 1810............. 1 Ml . 1020................ 8,157 1,771 27 7 nut — ..................... 1910................ 0.3SG 5,320 50"* \ 7lclfn^rl: 1900................ 1,000 .... “)"5 ™............... 22,9-13 4,871 27.0 ................... 920............... 18,072 -2,742 -13.2 Hattiesburg: 20,814 5,980 40.3 1030............... IS.C01 5.331 40 2 mo................. “’J21 M#1 |°’° 1920............ 13 270 1 537 13 1 IS................ 13,372 1.550 13.2 1910............ 11 733 7 5W 18lJ S2................. H.S14 -629 -5.1 1900 ............... 4,175 3 0I» 256 2 IIS................. 12«3 7,832 171,’° 1800................ 1.172 ... 800................ 4,591 913 24.S ........ | 18OT................ 3,078 ..................