;:r. j. o. roubboii. Asst. to Gonoral Ilgr., Chamber of Commerce, Houston, Sosas« Dear fir: Your letter of the 1st inst. roooivod, and 1 havo tforv/ardad «.-v.io to tho Hi old Hngincor of the Id Spanish -.11 .s .ooi, .lion, i/ho;:e duress I andorstaiid is .t ,resent, earo of Dallas Automob:llo Club, Dallas, "eyas. tinea tho Did Spanish Trail Lou Book • scat IIr« Sholfrr u-.u uiblishod, field Snf.inoor Loclco has issued a ,-ov; ■ ;i0. ,ioro oonmioto book, nhovrisig in addition tho Hosts :wd South oonnootion* and v/o troold request th t you ; ot in touch vrlth Mm on this subject. Yours truly. SALeB/iiS CO LIr.Harry Locke, yj Dallas Automobile Club, Dallas., loanso HoTTGuber 3, 191V. oDCH:"0ARY.