altbo hot/ in th© aajso of 30061 business give aatiofiadfeion .1 do not know. 7Jzi th© conficlonoe shown iae. 1 can noire (;8000 like the nigger 1 ;o that far and .ough, 1 appreciate January 24th X. sent you from Crowley a complete statement of the Louisiana sbisSS^tx^ situation, allowing the -towns in detail. float was a creditable anov/ing for your bonnes it was the larger cities that were out of the fold-, .-'feat state omt showed you had remitted to \is CiOSO 00 If ■'Louisiana will pay without more delay, and without xi ore eapenso to \~.i\ a half of tho 1000 pledge (;;.3000) of which • '•1050 huo already been paid ur; wc can street the tefuvolog yc«?!c within £4 01, I put this this way a.3 something defionite you : tty work to if tor the travelog is out wo e;.wi confer nore easily as to the disposition of the t-S-GOO (more on less) to bo paid. It should be remembered it will tedee fully 0Q$ for adrii.::&afcrnt ionj at least until there is more general and more prompt payments of fund:*, :r have v'orkad as I liuvc f a- ' :..= • travelog because I know it will be ■north, all the funds yea gay i: for all rAi.epOT.10n „ find more--once out it will hoop on doing good all over the United-.states. lie on la nick in Crowley. he oennot kocp '{yh.i longer in Louisiana and I cannot keep baching him whoa ho is not at work. Ho is officiant and honesty _ The -state;.ent of January 24th showed his costs in Louisiana about CO,- -a'.-l this vawj among the cmller towns. That is a good showing, he should Its:re been iv>. Alabama arid Ploi’ida by now. 31 ara waiting to consult hist» ■ an you arrange in some way to give uy business assurance of the tine :wd the amount you can and will make available? "uease call on na for anything you feci the need of and I will do the best I can to comply. Sincerely- iiarral Lyres OST Managing Director