e d J Ti • • c\ : > Webster, Honored By- King of Spain; Former Secretary o f| Webster-Dudley Chamber of Commerce to Be Honored F or Work on Old Spanish 1 rail AT SAN ANTONIO I Ian .-il Ayres, formerly secretary of (he Wft.bstt?r-Dmlley ~ Chamber v: I Commerce, and who "'ill be rum cm-1 ! bored bv hundreds of local people, u; I I lo Or*^signally honored :il San Anl.o-1 j «iii», Texas. Monday ni;;'IiI., when the decoration of the Royal Order of h -[abel Ip Cataliea, conferred by 11m I Majesty, the Kin# of Spain, with I title of Knight (hnninander. I Tho presentation will take place I at the home of Mrs. Henry Drougn*. and '"ill lx? made by Senor I’, deun-arri, Spanish consul for Texas Had Now Mexico. The event will signalize the co.v.-j plot ion of the work undertaken Jie.irs ago t<> establish am! .open, t; e Old Spanish Trail from Si. A'ugmf-line, Fla., to San Diego. 'Calif., >r\ which Mr. Ayres has devoted his c:.-"rgics during that lime, and has been made managing director of t;»-movement. I The information concerning t::o decoration to he made on tile I Webster secretary is contained in i-hookiet received in Webster ay former friends of Mr. Ayres, and contains an appreciation written *iy Mi Ayres: “The reception in recognition of the decoration of the Spanish CT» wr. is gratifying, because it witi also a recognition of that enjoyable co-I operation that has for so long b.>'« | jTjehiiul the Old Spanish Trail mo\--l | mem. A directing head is necessary | but little is accomplished unicsul | there is sincere cooperation. it is evi-I dem many have helped effectively or so much celt hi not have been achieved. Some have given their lime and! their capacity for leadership—some i have given money — the engineers and I me highway commissioners have | given an intelligence that has tered ilihicnHies: all have an imp.nt ( ant part, in tile Old Spanish Trail! work. “San Antonio accepted this important work a.s a trust from .the people o: tho.e southern borderlands. a.«d , during these years their friendship and suppoit have often be«*ii the bond that lias kept us at our tusk. T!:e memories of these years are ;. rich heriia e to us for the service *1 we have given ami ilie .success w*. • celeinale has come from a devo-i a io this interesting enterprise by m.mv j men and women from Florida t > ; California. “With much roqu et to y >u your many years of support. I am, ] Sincerely, llarral Ayres.” | The uppiecialion i- direct- 1 i -; .Mrs. Drought, at whose home formal presentation will take pla . The booklet luceived gives a Ut.»-j lory of tho trail from it.-> start 1 ■ i I completion, together with some interesting views and pictures of me I monuments at St. Augustine. Fiu.,j San Diego. Calif., and Sail Anm.»so, , T.. .