The l.and of Outdoor Sporls The lure of Ihis Highway is not alone its old history but the fact that it connects the spots where the people have loved to play since the white man came. The traveler may step from his car anywhere and anytime and find sunshine and comfort for any of the sports and pleasures he likes. Tlie Trail is not a completed highway. There are still many miles of pioneer country—doubly interesting because it is pioneer. There are also many spots requiring expensive engineering before those links are complete and comfortable. Some of these places are still difficult to drive. Chambers of Commerce, Auto Clubs and the Councilors in many localities will advise tourists. Extensive construction is going forward. Many millions in money are voted and engineers are preparing for the builders. Interested members and workers from tlie Atlantic to the Pacific are working out other problems. One of the biggest and most attractive undertakings in the land is working continually toward the day when the drive from sea to sea may be made in comfort. Automobiles of the tourist in increasing thousands are traveling the Highway enjoying its sunny skies in winter and its gulf breezes or mountain tonic in summer. , The Creed of the Trail f7T—'HE BEAUTIJ of Nature lures us out on the old Uy highways, inhere Nature is undisturbed there we find pleasure; where destruction rules we find regret .Along the Old Spanish Trail are ihe riches of history, legend, sentiment and natural beauty. Many are working to preserue these for all time. Out of the goodwill of the friends of the Trail will come a great highway, with pleasure and profit accruing to eueryone. ® a a * Love nature and all liuing things—that is the soul of sportsmanship. Don't destroy. It's finer to build and beautify. Don’t cut or break trees or shrubs, unless obuiously useless ones. Don’t gather wild flowers and blossoms carelessly. Their growth and reproduction giue beauty to the Trail. Don't kill without real need. The birds, trees, shrubs and animals are a part of the pleasure of the traveler. Help foster wayside beautification and the planting of trees and shrubs, and others in years to come will bless you. Respect the courtesies of the road and obey tragic rules. Qive l^indly thought1 to the rights of property along the way and the owners will repay out of the gratification they enjoy. vf *••;« « ® Select a safe spot for the campfire. Never leave it unwatched, and when breaking camp use water or dirt to .put it out. Be careful of sparks, of matches or tobacco ashes. A dying spark and one breath of wind can start a forest fire:’ .Always leave the camp a little better than you found it Burn or bury the trash and observe sanitation. It’s a pleasure then to cooperate to make campsites enjoyable. « a a a . K The Fellowship of the Trail is one of its joys. All along the way are members who will find pleasure in making your acquaintance. Copyright 1921 Old Spanish Trail Aasociation. Permission to use is granted if credited to the Old Spanish Trail. The Highway of-the- Southern Borderlands