PRESIDENT—Dr. Fred B. Johnston, san antonio. texas. VICE PRESIDENTS: DIRECTORS—S. H. PECK, mobile, Alabama MANAGING DIRECTOR-H. B. Ayres, sab abtobio. texas SECRETARY-HERBERT BAYUSS, lake CHARLES. LA. TREASURER—M. G. McNair, gulfport. miss. FIELD ENGINEER—Harry R. H. Fleming, new Orleans, la. H. A. McDonald, beaumont. texas J. C. BAUMGARTEN, SCHULEN8URG. TEXAS Telephone Crockett 2268 V/. A. HUEY, ASST. Secy, san antonio.texas SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. Sept. 23, 1922 Dear Sir: It has just come to my attention that certain letters were sent out by Mr. H. a. Ayres regarding the connection of Mr. J.W. Francis with the Old Spanish Trail Association; and in order to acquaint you with the true facts regarding this matter, I am herewith inclosing a statement explaining the understanding I as President of the organization, had with Mr. franc is. I am also informed that certain letters were sent out which are likely to be construed as a reflection upon those in charge of the affairs of tbs association in the San ^ntonio office. Therefore, in order to correct any erroneous impression gained from these letters, I wish to say that 1 have today examined the report of the auditors YT. M. Aikman & Co, who have just completed an audit of the books of the Old Spanish Trail Association, and that this report shows that there have been no transactions in the San Antonio Office not in keeping with good business practice. For your further information I wish to say that Mr. D. E. Colp is the regularly authorized manager of the Western Department of the OST from Orange tc San Diego; that Mr, R. E. Thompson is manager of the membership department of the western division; and that Mr. D. M. Shrove is manager of the mapping and marking division. As president of the organization I feel that I should keep in close touch with conditions affecting the OST in each locality and I would therefore appreciate advice from any one interested in the success of the OST work; and if you have anything to suggest, please let me hear from you. Yours truly o s X President. FLORIDA—F. W. MARSH, pcnsacola, Florida ALABAMA—John Craft, mosile. aiaoama MISSISSIPPI—H. S. WESTON, logiown. miss. LOUISIANA—Martin Behrman, mn ORLEANS, la. EAST TEXAS-W. E. LEA. orange, texas WEST TEXAS—Walter Schreiner, kerrville. tex. WESTERN—A. H. Gardner, tombstone. Arizona SOUTH TEXAS-W. R. PERKINS, alice. texas 0. E. COLP, MGR. Western dept., San Antonio.Texas