( oO000OOc, UEADQUARTERS.'SAH ANTdNiatEX MEZZANINE FLOOR. GUNTER HOTEL Leon Springs, August 27th, 1926. Mr. H. B. Ayres, Mgr. 0. S, T. Assn., San Antonio, * Dear Sirs- I have to report the following collections made at this Point today; R. Aue, Membership, Recto #3920, $10,00 Dr. W. Traylor, " " #3921, &1Q.00 v $20.33 Their Checks enclosed. I am also enclosing revised copy for the Travelog. There are several other large Property owners who live in the City who should contribute and who will very likely if approached with this data. They are; G. A, Duerler, Alfred Duerler, Gus. M. Froebel, 231 E, Commerce St. ft S.A.SuPPly So, Geo. Maverick. You may see after these parties or leave them for me on my return as you Prefer. Geo. A, Altgeld, has promised that he would pay in his membership and listing later and I think he is 0 K. For your information will say that Mrs. R. Aue is very enthusiastic over the 0 S T work and Mrs. Wright would do well to request her to serve on her committee. Yours very truly, Field Secty. i