%'S SPANISH TRAIL ASS'KilATIOH / anAmmw ip gash xlvckipib ass DisBUKaisiam poa MR US AUGlia® 1, 1919 to MARCH SO, 1929c Complete Statement of the Ton Years of San Antonio Management, Audited and Verified by W. H. A Honan, Inc. and Perry X>. King & Company, Public Accountants. Cash Rooolptu. 10 Yr-br Period Memberships and Subscript!one, ----*--------------------78,981.15 sundry Items,---------•----------------------------------- 472.91 Advertising,---------------------------------------- 8,905.93 Beautification Department,—.------------------------* »— ISO.00 Route Marking,——*---------- —-------------------- > 587.20 Road Condition sSa.fis Sold,-*--------------•---------:_____15.66 Total Cash Receipts,------------------------------ ■$ 09,150,90 Cash Disbarsomenta, 10 Year Period Salary to Harral Ayres,-— -----------------------------—$ 10,590.73 Office and Field JSraployoeo* salaries end Tfccpendituros, (includes office expense, rent, furniture, etc.),----- 44,450.12 General ■Sxpensea, fincludoo traveling of executive officials and other general expenses),------------------ 15,253,53 Printing, Publicity, Travelogs, ote.,--------------------- 10,808.47 Convention Rxpensas,-------—------------------------------ 6,34-1.71 Beautification Department Work,—---------------------------- 276.43 Route Harking,----------------------------------------- 905.03 Road Condition Blue Print Haps,—----------------- .----- —_____267.50 Total Cash Dlaburseraonts,----------------------------- -f. 88,961.60 Cash in Banka March 29, 1929,------------ *-----------—— 189.30 j) 89,150.90