The Eleventh Annual Conference ON CITY AND TOWN PLANNING IN WORCESTER AT City Hall and Hotel Bancroft WILL OPEN MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1924 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 10:30 A. M. WITH AN EXTRA GOOD PROGRAM MASSACHUSETTS CIVIC 3 JOY STREET, BOSTON Telephone. Haymarket 2102 JOSEPH LEE, PRESIDENT HERBERT C. PARSONS, VICE-PRESIDENT NATHAN D. BILL, VICE-PRESIDENT DR. KENDALL EMERSON, VICE-PRESIDENT FRANK L. BOYDEN, VICE-PRESIDENT K7 league December 8, 1924. Hr. H. B. Ayres, Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. My dear Hr. Ayres: I am sending you a bulletin prepared by Mr. Gale, chairman of the Federation of Planning Boards and a member of our bill board committee, which really gives you, I think all the information that, v/ill be of value to you in regard to our bill board laws and regulations here. The two typewritten sheets I enclose are material we used last year in getting through the bill allowing local communities to make further regulations after the state department had acted. We believe we have very good laws now and that all that is necessary is to see that they are properly carried out and that local communities take a proper interest in the matter. Sincerely yours, Secretary. WP: 0 3C CHARLES JACKSON. TREASURER JEFFREY R. BRACKETT CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. Y/ENONA OSBORNE PINKHAM SECRETARY