You Have Only Two Ways to Get More Business Isn’t it just plain common sense that any business man has only two possible ways to get more business 1 Either he must get a bigger share of the business that already exists and comes along in the ordinary—slow—course of events. Or he must help bring more business into tile community. There is no third way. Take yourself, for instance. If you constantly struggle to get a bigger share of the business that comes into your community of its own accord, it simply means that you must take it away from the other fellow. Pretty soon someone will start something to take it away from you. You are not permanently benefited and your community, not at all. The Profitable Way But suppose you become one of a great group of people, and communities, who have got together to benefit each other, with a program that will bring millions of EXTRA dollars to be spent in your own and the other communities. This way will get BIG returns. It adds to the purchasing power of the community and benefits everybody. And it will bring highly profitable results to you. There are just two kinds of possible customers who have money that fits the description, “extra dollars.” They arc the tourists and homeseekers— hundreds of thousands of them—who can be drawn into your community and to your door by this Association. Adding Millions to Annual Income The A.A.A. Recently Announced That 40,000,000 People will Make Motor Trips This Year. 'fhe Old Spanish Trail Association is now in a position to add millions of extra dollars every year to the communities it serves. The time and the opportunity are exactly right. With a strong pull together, the cost per member and community can be held so low, in proportion to what can be accomplished, that it hardly can be considered at all. For ten years Trail Headquarters has been building up co-operative connections through which to reach homeseekers, tourists and travelers in vast numbers—as soon as we could announce a hard-surfaced highway. These connections include hundreds of auto clubs, travel agencies, tourist bureaus, banks, routing bureaus of big newspapers and department stores, all over the north and east. These combined agencies route the trips of more than 10,000,000 every year. Students of schools and colleges throughout the country study O. S. T. publications for the old history and descriptive geography. Trail Publicity Worth $150,000 Recently Released The tremendous amount of publicity released by big newspapers and magazines as a result of the announcement that final links in the highway were being completed, has aroused the interest of more people than has ever before been known in the history of automobile travel. A checking of advertising rates against the amount of publicity space given the Trail reveals that no similar amount of space could have been bought for $150,000. Letters, press clippings and authentic reports from northern correspondents prove this. They also prove that more homeseekers and more tourists are demanding information about the whole Gulf Coast and Border Country than about any other section of the North American Continent. Don’t forget that average homeseekers or tourists of today come with money—money to invest as well as with which to see the country and enjoy themselves. As evidence of the enormous sums that may actually be realized, California publishes the figures to show that tourists spend more dollars in that one state every year than the state’s entire citrus crop brings. Colorado yearly adds to its income by some $50,000,000. Canadian authorities state that 11,000,-000 people from the United States toured Canada last year—and spent more than $100,000,000 doing it. Now, a startling change In travel-interest Is being shown - - - and that change Is In our direction. People Demand Information In Advance Routing bureaus advise us that people now are insisting upon being supplied with highway literature and complete information about service and accommodations before they start out, so they may plan to travel leisurely and see everything. They usually decide to go over highways and to communities that arc progressive enough to see that they get such information through their own home auto club, newspaper and department store travel bureaus. If we furnish the information they want, when they want it, they will come and spend their money. You have seen that this Association already has the connections to place the information in their hands. All that is necesssary is real co-operation from people along the Trail. As one of them, it is up to you to prove whether or not you want the added profits and benefit to your community those extra dollars will bring. Remember, this Association is NOT a personal-profit organization. It belongs wholly to its members. Your money will be used solely to build up travel and make you recognized for service. Your signature on the application blank will prove your co-operative spirit and determination to do your part toward bringing hundreds of thousands more to the Old Spanish Trail. Travelogs Worth a $10,000 Advertising Campaign to Every Service Member The Travelogs command a wider distribution and circulation than any other similar highway or community literature in the United States. Through this medium the high standard of service supplied by members can be made known over more than half of the entire continent. All Travelogs sent North are given out only to interested people. Such people are prospective customers for you. It is an actual fact that if every business man who supplies accommodation or service along the Trail spent $10,000 per year advertising himself to prospective tourists, he could not begin to reach even one-tenth the number of interested people this Association can reach for him. Yet, through the Association, this great publicity value is but one of the benefits he may get for a nominal fee of only a few dollars. Such is the power of pulling together and of our well organized distributing resources. What You GetWith Service Membership 1. You become known as one of a transcontinental group co-operating to bring tourists, travelers, homeseekers and investors to the country of the Old Spanish Trail and to give them a high standard of accommodation and service when they come. 2. Business listing in the TRAVELOG in BLACKFACE TYPE, with suitable description. This keeps your place of business before people from the time they start planning their trip until they land at your door. Tourists understand that the blackface listings mean that you are a member of the Association, are supporting the work that keeps them informed and are officially endorsed by the Association. They give members preference. 3. The ROAD CONDITION MAP, for your wall. Size, about 17x43 inches. Nature of highway shown in red and gold, the ancient Spanish royal colors. (Maps for non-members, $5.00). 4. As many Travelogs as you can satisfactorily distribute. (Non-members along the highway will hereafter be charged $5.00 per hundred for Travelogs). 5. Membership plaque of red and gold Spanish design, for wall or window use. This is your official endorsement and identification with the work of the Association. This plaque, a real work of art and historical significance, designed by an internationally known artist, is in course of production. (Not procurable by non-members at any price). Service Membership Dues .$35.00 per year, payable in advance. Special inducement for balance of 1928. All advantages of full annual membership for almost half regular fee. Cash with application $20.00. On sixty-day basis, $22.00—$7.00 with application; $7.50 in thirty days; $7.50 in sixty days. Difference of $2.00 represents costs to us to post books and send out statements. REMEMBER:—Seventy-five per cent of this year’s travel will come between June 1st and the end of December. Thus the low rate for the balance of the year represents a real inducement to send in ••vour application now.