i C 0 P Y. SHE 00JTMQ1WEALTH 0? I.Li3JACllUU::TY3 DEPARTMENT ?F PUBLIC WORKS. Division of Highways. The following Rules and Regulations for the control and restriction of "billboards, signs and other advertising devices, as authorized by Section 29, Chapter 93 of the General Laws are hereby adopted, to bo in force on and after January 24, 1924. All . previous Rules and Regulations made and adopted by the Division under authority of -Section 29 aforesaid are hereby repealed, DEPARTMENT CP PUBLIC .’0RK3, DIVISION OV RIGHTAYS. WILLIAM R. ..ILLIAH3, JAl'iSS .. SYNLI-J, Rt/.KIl' LYIV.ii, Commissioners Boston, Mass., January 24, 1924. Rffr ' f AND R'iGTJr.A",70!Tl •"’0 ■: COIPROL . RTS’fRICRIO.i 0? iTM/BOARDS, 3ic.rs fill) OTHER. ADVD'TILIuC DEVICES. Section 1. Licansos. A. Do norson, firm, assoc! tion or comor-'.tiou ah 11 en rage in the business of outdoor advertising in this commonwealth by means of billboards, signs or other advertising devices without first obtaining v License therefor from the Division of Riyhvays of the Department of Public Works, hereinafter refe red the Division, B. Applications for Licenses shall be made on forms furnished by the Division and shall be accompanied by a fee ox fifty (50) dollars. G. Licenses granted under the provisions of this section shall be in force for one year from their late unless sooner reveled by the Division. D. Applications for the renewal of Licenses grantoL under the provisions of this section shell be made not later then thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration, and shall bo accomurni.od by a fee of fifty (50) dollars. E. The Division reserves the right to revoke any License granted by it under the provisions of this section. Section 2. Permits to Persons Bngoged in Carrying on the Business of Outdoor A avert!sing. A, Ifo person, firm, association or corporation engaged in carrying on the business of outdoor advertising shall post, erect, display or maintain within public view from any highway, public nark or reservation any billboard, sign or other advertising device, except as hereinafter provided. B. Ho billboard, sign or other advertising device shall be posted, erected or displayed on any property until the consent of the owner thereof, or the tenant has been obtained, mu an application filed with the Division, togetiu with a sketch showing ; exact location, ana v Permit therefor hrr been -ranted by the Division. 0, ■ ^plications and ofcetc cs md« " notion s) >e made on for nr ;‘u rii-.'h--d bn the Division* ]), :jnon receipt by -.hr. .Division o to post erect or maintain a i)il >.oo-.iul, device under this section, ootier theroof -a-'. ;;ony o:. 011 . will be sent by the Di r-lsion to the oitj or town here such billboard, sign or other advertising «levi oo to bn located. ^ a n!; fa u?' 01 town objects to the location it Au-il, v: t ui \ the date of said notice, rh e '•••■ v t-.-- Jivi :r< on ^ writing, mil thereupon the Di vie' on "’ill nor.i’.y tiw will bo all .rod ten (10) dayr fron the date of^such n®;-ioo no rear one, 5 1 any, v;hy ;• Permit should bo gr-intou* -- i-e- , oati0n. given by the Division boforo final aotion is taken upon such **P. E. Every billboard and aim ('rooted uM.’.or t"2.a 'A',fj‘.•'('“number beex- i-hn number of the Demit authorising its erection, •n upli out* rn for a Remit ' -1 or other idvn: *t s ing ■ (30) dc ys from object :• ir , in ?. ppli r nt # who not!oo to file iv.:. A i car-tm^mKiir imnMfcnli.: