Uov. 15, 1518» Attention: ITrs. P.H.8. Phillips, Uist.fJoct. Old Spanish '.’rail Association, Tallahassee, Pla. Hear JIrs. Phillips: Yonr letter of the 7th received, and I am very sorry I have not had the opportunity to answer same soonor, owing to illixese of stenographers and could not write raysolf because of so much other work. Ur. Pillaao and Ur. Clemens have sent mo copies of their letters to you in connection with Chicago Convention, and I certainly hope that Captain John Craft will arrange t ■ attend. I most heartily concur in Hr. Lilians' approval of your wire of October 26th to the president of the highways Industries Association. I mm glad to note that you expect to got out a log from Chicago to Tallahassee and 'Jestward to .Mobile soon. Let me have copy of same when you. got it out. Letter heads, I sent a supply of to you as requested. Then you need more, lot me know. I did not send you any envelopes, as you did not .ask for same. Harry Locke writ os from LosAngaos, ilov.Oth that last sunmor ho went over to I!ew Orleans where ho saw-Ur. Lucion Lyons. I dCnlnottsee why ho did not lot us know ho was' going to be that near. • Yours truly, 1*.