J / / / / / / Page -3- "3 En-r«ute, several demonstrations will lie made daily, teaching the "best metheds for camping, policing, swimming, first aid, directing traffic and various other scout activities. Where no Scout Councils now exist such will be formed, sc that when they shall have reached the wost Coast, the Lincoln Highway will have been thoroughly organized as the Boy Scout Highway - one which they can always use to demonstrate advanced methods as new problems arise. Immediately after the completion of this trek, upon a signal from New York headquarters, the Scouts will, simultaneously, re-sign the Lincoln Highway, using the new Concrete posts which are now being manufactured for that purpose. Over 3000 miles of highway, uniformly marked in one dayi i Undoubtedly, the Boy Scouts of America is the only body through which such a stupendous project could be successfully undertaken. And what could be more fitting than this effort which will link up the Boy Scouts.with that fitting memorial to Abraham Lincoln?