San Antonio, Texas May 27th, 1925. 7 u. Mr. W. W. Praser, Secretary-Manager, Galveston Auto Protective Ass'n., 9 pabst Bldg., Galveston, Texas. Dear Mr. Fraser: Your letter of the 26th about action concerning change of name of the Old Spanish Trail is greatfully received. There seems to be a unanimous disposition to oppose the change. I enclose another bulletin just going out. It is a most unfortunate thing for this Old Spanish Trail has been built up into a national recognition that means tremendous travel movement to benefit you and all the rest of this southern country. I enclose a form for resolutions to which yoii can work. Would suggest you send these to the Governor and to each highway commissioner Individually and to Eugene T. Smith, the secretary of the Highway Commission. You can easily have them written in duplicate and if possible include a copy of editorial our clipping service shov/s was published in the Galveston Hews May 10th and any other publication you may know of there. I am afraid we have a battle on to make the Highway Commission act to straighten this matter out. Sincerely yours. H. B. Ayres, OST Managing Director. HBA/b enc. 76’s Bit. Res. k