A Stephen Austin's map of Texas, 1829, on file in the archives of the University of Texas, shows the old dan Antonio road passing through the following places; presidio del Lie Grande Bexar Gonzales Just before reaching the lacaoa hiver the road turns to the i-J. ID. iJacogdo one s otephen p. Austin's map pf Texas, 1829. on file in the archives of tne 'Texas dtute library, shows that the d. A. road passes through: presidio del xio Grande Bexar Baeogdoenes Jessup Cantonment Batchitoche s Old dan Antonio xoad according to dtephen Texas, loco; ou file in dtate Library? presidio del xio Grande Bexar Bacogdoches Batchitoches p. Austin's map of o'N prenoii map of Texas, made by A. Brue in 1840. on file in dtate Library, shows the d. A. Load as follows:' Presidio del Bio Grande dan Antonio do Bexar Hina or Bastrop idee. d. Teoioro Bacogdoches dan Augustine Batchitoches Atlas of flyer's Travels, map made by Hauptm. h&defeld, 1850(V). dan idtonio Load as follows: Presidio o.el Bio Grande Bexar Bastrop xobin's perry (on Trinity) Crocket Dugglass nacogdoches dan Augustine Hi lam Batchitoches ■ Batchez. 1 s