4 THE PROGRESS OF THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL OFFICIALS OLD SPANISH TRAIL ASSOCIATION President: Dr. Fred B. Johnston, San Antonio, Texas. Managing Director: H. B. Ayres, San Antonio, Texas. . Vice-Presidents: Florida—F. W. Marsh, Pensacola, Fla. Alabama—John Craft, Mobile, Ala. Mississippi—H. S. Weston, Logtown, Miss. Louisiana—Martin Behrman, New Orleans, La. Enst Texas—W. E. Lea, Orange, Texas. West Texas—Walter Schreiner, Kerrville, Texas. Western—A. H. Gardner, Tombstone, Arizona. South Texas—W. R. Perkins, Alice, Texas. Secretary: Herbert Bayliss, Lake Charles, La. Treasurer: M. G. McNair, Gulfport, Miss. Field Engineer: Harry Locke, Los Angeles, Cal. Directors: S. H. Peck, Mobile, Ala. R. H. Fleming, New Orleans, La. H. A. McDonald, Beaumont, Texas. J. C. Baumgarten, Schulenburg, Texas. L. D. Moody, Houston, Texas. Women’s Parliament Committee of Management. Mrs. A. F. Storm, Morgan City, La., General Director Louisiana F. W. C. Mrs. A. G. Reed, Baton Rouge, La., President Louisiana F. W. C. Mrs. Byrd Enochs, Biloxi, Miss., President 1st District F. W. C. of Miss. Mrs. P. J. Friedrichs, President New Orleans Federation of Clubs. Mrs. Jesse P. Wilkinson, Chairman, Civic Dept. N. 0. Federations of Clubs. Mrs. Fred C. Kolman, New Orleans, Secretary. Hospitality Committee. Mrs. Joseph E. Friend, General Chairman. Mrs. Charles Buck, Chairman, Patio Royal Reception. Mrs. Paul Jahncke, Chairman, Country Club Luncheon. Mrs. Christian Schcrtz, Chairman, French Quarter Visits. Mrs. Henry Levy, Chairman, Transportation Committee. And forty hostesses. Gulf Boulevard Conference. John T. Cochrane, President, Mobile, Alabama. Claude Delmas, Vice-President, Pascagoula, Miss. S. W. Provensal, Secretary-Treasurer, Slidell, La. SAN ANTONIO EXECUTIVE BOARD. Kenneth Wimer, Chairman. Leon N. Walthall, Secretary. Percy Tyrrell, Chas. N. Wuest, Henry T. Mathews. Boulevard Meetings and Banquet, Directed by Young Men's Business Club. Committee: Gilbert Fortier, President; W. C. Crow, Executive Secretary; R. H. Fleming. Assistant Secretary: Miss Clotilde Nagel. Field Secretary: R. B. Thompson. OFFICIALS CONVENTION AT NEW ORLEANS. General Committee. General Chuirman, A. Fred Bullman, Jr. Vice-Chairman, Charles M. Kerr. Secretary, W. D. Jarman. Chairman Finance Committee, Edward Makofsky. Chairman Entertainment Committee, C. M. Kerr. Chairman Publicity Committee, Augustin J. Himel, Jr. Felix C. Bowman, Wilbert Black, H. K. Monroe, A. H. Borden, Walter Parker, G. W. Lawes. E. H. Fairchild, R. p, Bernard, R. H. Fleming, Martin Behrman, Jos. L. Ruhl. Southern Road Congress Committee. Charles M. Kerr, R. E. E. de Montzulin, A. II. Van Pejt. Walter A. Brandao, R. E. E. de Montzulin. General Finance Committee: Allen WolIT, Chairman, Auto Supply Group. Col. Allison Owen, Chairman, Architects. L. H. Trippeny, Chairman, Auto Tires Group. F. C. Bowman, Chairman, Auto Dealers. Charles de B. Claiborne, Chairman, Banks. Lionel F. Favret, Chairman, General Contractors. Chas. M. Kerr, Chairman, Road Contractors. Phil. G. Ricks, Chairman, Homesteads. Lucien J. Morct, Chairman, Automobile Financing. Augustin J. Himel, Jr., Chairman, Life Insurance Group. Lionel F. Favret, Chairman, Material Group. J. J. Voelkcl, Vice-Chairman, Material Group. 1. H. Isaacs, Chairman, Retail Merchants Bureau. Wilson S. Callender, Secretary, Merchants Bureau. Jas. F. Turnbull, Chairman, Real Estate Group. Mrs. Henry Alcus, Chairman, Women’s Committee on Finance. THE PROGRESS OF THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL 5 PROGRAM (Subject to change according to developments) MONDAY ENVENING, 8:00 P. M. Gold Room, Gruncwald Hotel ADMINISTRATION QUESTIONS Fred B. Johnston, President, Presiding. Opening addresses and formalities. Report of the Managing Director. Announcement of rules for the Convention. Submission of proposed budget plan for income and expense, by Kenneth Wimer, Chairman San Antonio Executive Board, and Rudolph Krause, OST Councilor, Lake Charles, and others. Action reserved for Wednesday afternoon session. Submission of proposed amendments to the constitution by W. E. Lea, OST Vice-President, Orange, Texas, and Leon N. Walthall, Secretary Executive Board, San Antonio. Action reserved for Wednesday afternoon session. Appointment of Convention Committees: Nominations and Election. Place of Next Convention. Resolutions. Credentials (only members in good standing can vote in the election). Introduction of Resolutions and reference to Committees. Notices of resolutions as follows have been received: 1. Resolutions of appreciation to the National Highways Association, Washington, for co-operation in preparing map of Old Spanish Trail as the basic southern trunkline and showing its important connections from the North, and of thanks to the senators and congressmen who assisted at Washington in establishing the national recognition of this Highway and aiding in the work that brought the Old Spanish Trail and the War Department into co-operation and made this highway project a part of the plans for national defense. 2. Resolutions requesting that map makers and highway promoters respect the identity of the Old Spanish Trail, and that map makers cease inscribing on maps the claims of highway promoters to sections of the Old Spanish Trail. Such mapping work aids promoters in their improper claims, misleads the people of the territory involved, and confuses travelers. 3. Whereas, Tjie Old Spanish Trail aims to develop its territory south to all Gulf and border points as the playground of the people who seek the South, and it reaches no arm northward but offers its co-operation that vital trunklines may be completed and maintained equal to the demand of the traveler, and whereas, a strong, nationally known trunkline across the bottom of the continent will be of more service to the people and to the highways from the North than the confusions resulting from a medley of claims and pretensions by highway promoters, therefore, Resolved, That the identity of other highways ceases upon reaching the Old Spanish Trail, and that the people be urged to co-operate in building a strong administration behind the OST trunklines, and that we all co-operate to develop a connected system, not a conflicting system, of trunklines for this South country that can be promptly completed. Introduction of other business. Announcements. Adjournment. PARLIAMENT OF WOMEN—10:00 A. M. Twelfth Floor, Grunewald Hotel Presiding: Mrs. A. F. Storm, Chairman. 9:00 A. M.—Registration. Distribution of badges, and of tickets for courtesies. Call to order 10:00 A. M. DISCUSSION: HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION Led by Mrs. Mary Davidson Myrick, Harlingen, Texas, of the Federation of Women’s Clubs of the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, where these women are well along in the work of planting Royal Palms 100 feet apart for 90 miles on the Mexican Extension of the Old Spanish Trail, and this is being followed by private property improvement. Other discussion, suggestions for legislation; elimination of roadside advertising; tree and shrub selection and planting; historical signing; tree laws; state park reservations; growing of nursery stock by the state or by individuals; value of shade trees; tourist parks, equipment and beautification ; herd or stock laws, etc. Exhibition of photographs of advertising horrors along public roads. (Please obtain and send in photographs.) Open discussion. Program of work for ensuing year. Appointment of Committees.