From San Diego From St. Augustine 1941.4--------------------CROWLEY, LA_________________ 875.6 19.0 mi. Gravel. Pop. 610S. Elevation 25 ft. Tourist Camp — Small camp, center of city, electric lights, water, small pool, shower, toilets, oven. Egan Hotel. OST Councilors, Alpha LeBlanc and P. L. Lawrence. Crowley is the “Rico City of America.” 430,000 acres of rice lands in Louisiana with over 1000 mi. of feeder canals for irrigation. Wells, bayous and the Mermentau River supply the water for this district. One Crowley company pumps 300.000 gals, of water daily, enough for a city of 1,000,000 people. This prairie section is young. When its value for rice growing became evident many northerners came. These rice cities are being developed by men of courage and industry. Crowley is growing into a real American city of nice homes, fine city improvements, good schools and churches, and as a manufacturer of rice products. The Evangeline oil field, 23 yrs. old, is 16 mi. west on the north road between Crowley and Jennings. It averages 3000 bbls, a day. The Mermentau River bridge 11 mi. west on the Old Spanish Trail cost many years of effort l>y the Crowley and Jennings people, and was opened Sept. 20, 1024. Crowley Louisiana Club. 27 mi. Very fine duel? and goose shooting. Don't hurry, this is all interesting country and graveled roads. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Cash Auto Supply House. Open day and night. E. L. Savoie. Cash Motor Inn. Rond service, repairs, supplies. D. L. & U. Clement. Fisher’s Garage. Road service, repairs, supplies, II. J. Fisher. Crowley Trust & Savings Bank. Capital & surplus $150,000. First National Bank. View vast rice fields from top floor. Egan Hotel. American Plan. Modern. C. A. Peck, Mgr. Acadia Garage. Road service day and night. Repairs, storage. N. Broussard. 1922.4__________________ .JENNINGS, LA_________________ 894.6 10.8 mi. Gravel. Pop. 3S24. Elevation 31 ft. Tourist Camp—By the More Mileage Station, center of city, water, electric lights, rest room, fuel. Madeline Hotel. OST Councilors, J. H. Heinen and E. S. Goodreau. Jennings is another of the newer cities of southern Louisiana, and building substantially. 65% of its people are from other states. Great irrigating plants for rice have been established. Fine staple cotton is being grown. Jennings is also headquarters for 2nd Squadron 108 Cavalry. and for Troop F. Pretty homes, fine schools and churches. The Evangeline oil field lies 0 mi. east on the north road between Jennings and Crowley. It averages 3,000 bbls. a day. One noted well made nearly 4.000,000 bbls. South is Lake Arthur, hunting and fishing country. Mermentau bridge, 5 mi. east. Stop here a while. INFORMATION AND SERVICE More Mileage Station. Road service, open day and night, garage and supplies. Jeff Davis Motor Co. LincoJn-Ford-Fordson. Storage, Calcasieu National Bank. II. II. Hoag, Mgr. LAKE ARTHUR South from Jennings 14.3 mi. by gravel road. Sportsmen’s outlet to Gulf Const country. Hunting, fishing, bathing. Location of noted national hunting club. Pon’ 1882. OST Councilor, E. S. Rice. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Shaffer Bros. Ford dealers, garage, repairs, supplies. 1911.G.____________________WELSH, LA.......................... 9054 26.2 mi. Gravel and Paving. Pop. 1456. Elevation 25 ft. Tourist Camp—South edge of town, in a secluded grove, commodious, storm shelter deep well, electric lights, tables and benches, toilets. Small country hotel. OST Councilor, E. C. Willard. Rico country, cotton and cattle. The wells are 300 to 400 ft. deep, pumping millions of gallons of water daily Where the bayous can be tapped, big irrigating plants fill extended canal systems and flood the fields. INFORMATION AND SERVICE OST Restaurant and Fountain. A. B. Hall. Service Garage. Road service, repairs, supplies. Plezol Confectionery. Fountain, cigars. Tourist parlor Welsh Motor Car Co. Lincoln-Ford-Fordson. Storag* From San Diego Front St. Augustine 1885.4..LAKE CHARLES, LA. (Calcasieu River).. 931.6 12.9 mi. Paving. Pop. 13,088. Elevation 17 ft. Tourist Camp—None. Majestic Hotel. OST Councilors, R. Krause and Terrell Woosley. New census 1925 shows population 17,265. Port of Lnkc Charles metroplis of southwest Louisiana. On the Calcasieu River and Lake Charles. Five railroads. Completing 30-ft channel to the Gulf costing $3,500,000. Cotton, rice, cattle, general farming. Golf and a lake resort south of the city. Paved and graveled drives and numerous waterways for fishing and hunting. A fine residence city. An important oil field opened a few miles west of the city. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Assocki' ion of Commerce, opp. Post Office, maintains Tourist Information Bureau. Majestic Hotel. European Plan. J. G. Michic, Prop. Huber Motor Co., Inc. Lincoln-Ford-Fordson. Prompt— efficient—reliable. Moss & Watkins, Inc. Dodge Sales and Service. Harry Huber Co. Buick Sales and Service. Du bard Auto Livery. Finest storage garage in Lake Charles. 1872.5_________________SULPHUR, LA............... 944.5 14.4 mi. Gravel and Paving. Pop. 1714. Elevation 30 ft. Tourist Camp—None. Lavgest sulphur mines in the world 2 mi. west. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Sulphur Motor Co., Inc. Lincoln-Ford-Fordson. Prompt— Efficient—Reliable. T. B. Moore. 1858.1.................... VINTON, LA___________________ 958.9 9.1 mi. to ferry landing. Gravel. 2.6 mi. Ferry to Orange, Texas. Pop. 1441. Elevation 17 f.t Tourist Camp—Yes. Country hotel, good meals. OST Councilor, J. N. Welh-crill. Ged oil field 1 mi. south producing 11.000 bids, daily, 14 yrs. old. Ferry to cross Sabine River at Orange from 5 a. m. to midnight. Regulated by La. Hwy. Dept. Rates 75c to $1.00. Bridge to be built 1925-6. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Huber Motor Co., Inc. Lincoln-Ford-Fordson. Prompt— Efficient—Reliable. L. J. Schindler, Mgr. Calcasieu National Dank. J. N. Wetherill, Mgr. 1846.4__ORANGE, TEX. (Sabine River, State Line)- 970.G 24.G mi. Paving. Pop. 9212. Elevation 10 ft. Tourist Camp—West end, water’ bonche3’ ovcns- toilets, shower baths, running INFORMATION AND SERVICE Orange Chamber of Commerce. 1821.8-----BEAUMONT, TEX. (Neches River)______________ 995.2 20.8 mi. Paving. Pop. 40.422 Elevation 22 ft. Tourist Camp—At Fair Grounds. South by paved road from Beaumont is Port Arthur, oil refining and shipping port, with a pop. of 22,251. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce. Nechcs River bridge at Beaumont finished May. 1925. This bridge and approaches are more of the big works over the broad rivers and bays of the Old Spanish Trail. 1801.0------------------NOME, TEXAS—•_..............1016.0 21.2 mi. Construction. Mileage according to new location. Pop. 110. Elevation 44 ft. Travel now follows the now erode kont in condition he thia^yenr.mnlntC,"lnCC r°rCC3’ Thc' p,lvinK sinned 1779.8.....LIBERTY, TEX. (Trinity River) 1037.2 5.2 ml ConSlruMon. Milcaeo accordi'ns lo now location. Pop. 1117. Elevation 41 ft. Country hotel Old rood is used ; in fair condition. C.G mi Heavy eon-slruction in progress across TriniH- . .. Great credit is due Liberty County f,m her LreeTurl in the road work across the county between Nome and Crosby, from OronKo to Houston the work is expensive and alow due lo uumeroua river and drainage problems? —20— —19— From San DicBo Fr”m S<- .. m46 ....................-DAYTON, TEXAS..................' 1 ' 14.8 ml. (Construction 8.5 ml.: Shell 6.3 m|.) Pop. 2527. Elevation 81 ft. Travel now follows the new crude kept in condition b, the state maintenance forces. To be paved. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Harrincton’s Gnrnce. Road information and tourist accommodations. 1759.8. ...CROSBY, TEXAS.............105„ 23.1 mi. Paving and Shell. Pop. 261. Elevation 46 ft. West of Crosby 4 mi. is the San Jacinto River. 1736.7_____________HOUSTON, TEXAS---------------------i08(u 30.3 mi. (Paving and Gravel 14.2 mi. Sugarland district. construction.) • Pop. 138,276. Elevation 64 ft. Tourist Camp-On OST opp. Rice Institute, in Hermann Park. Accommodates 1000 cars. Inspected and protected. Playgrounds and golf grounds adjoining. This East Texas construction is concrete work made necessary by the extensive drainage basins to be crossed. The work east and west of Houston is involving over S5.000.000. The sub-grades and bridges are completed. County and state officials and the Motor League of South Texas are cooperating with the Old Spanish Trail to put travel thru henceforth with reasonable comfort until the work is completed. HOTELS Hotel Cotton. Fireproof, first class, popular rates. Brazos Hotel. Large, delightful. Brazos Court dinner garden. Hotel Bristol. Fireproof, central, popular rates. Bender Hotel. Headq. Motor League of South Texas. Macalee Hotel. Near Grand Central Sta. All comforts. Milby Hotel. Central location. Popular rates. Rice Hotel. Finest cafeteria in the South. Sam Houston Hotel. Houston's newest. $2 to $2.50. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Motor League of South Texas. Bender Hotel. 1706.4-----RICHMOND, TEX. (Brazos River).................1110.6 3.5 mi. Gravel and Graded Dirt. Pop. 1273. Elevation 84 ft. Tourist Camp—On lot, west side, opp. school. National Hotel. OST Councilor, T. B. WessendorfT. Richmond is the first Anglo-American settlement is Texas. Other early settlements were Spanish or Mexican. 1702.9-----------------ROSENBERG, TEXAS.........11141 16.8 mi. Black Dirt. Pop. 1279. Elevation 90 ft. Tourist Camp—East side, JV ?esciuite grove. Tables, benches, toilets. Country notel and a rooming house. OST Councilor, F. X. Joerger. INFORMATION AND SERVICE F'^STjSicr K0’ Ccntor of town- Experienced mechanic. 1686.1—E. BERNARD, TEX. (Bernard River)—11305 16.9 mi. Pavinc and Gravel. OTT r 3l0:, Elevation 120 ft. Tourist Camp—None. ■ nc.1.1,°r> R- B- Boettcher. , bride.' c ?"<* cotton section. This East Bernard between T? P:!vlnK was the first hiEh class construction oeiwcon Houston nnd San Antonio. ... information AND SERVICE tiona'ice , B:|raf:e- Specially informed on road coadi* .......TEXAS..................................11J7'8 p . 16*1 mi. Gravel. °n the h^hw£l°Vation 156 ft- Tourist Camp-Eastjid*. ovens. Two f^ly,«acruenct* slceping rooms, sho\vers, toile* About 40 ooo * * h0treU' 0ST Councilor. W. E. IggJ *1°% developed r°? of ,ric£ in Eagle Lake district wells 27 V« Ya V Colorado River near. Water also fron 10 ft. deep flood 35 to 50 acres. Central *^FORMATION AND SERVICE E*dL- Mooney.*”8 Sta# East side- Rest rooms* ice wa e ’ Central New. Modern equipment.. Adjoin* Eagle Lake ?hntai R< Davia- . . n„nk ke Chamber of Commerce. First Nntionnl Bank. From San Diego Fr„m Sf. Auffu,tim, 1653.1-----COLUMBUS, TEX. (Colorado River)__________1163 9 13.2 mi. Gravel. Pop. 1720. Elevation 198 Councilor, S. A. Harbert. ft. Country hotels, OST INFORMATION AND SERVICE Harbert’s Garage. Center of town. Drive-in Ladies’ rest room. Ice water. 16.37.9-----------------WEIMAR, TEXAS...............1179.1 8.6 ml. Gravel. Pop. 1171. Elevation 310 ft. Tourist Camp—Near Brasher's Garage, shower, light. Country hotel. OST i Councilor, H. Brasher. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Brasher Buick Garage. Opp. depot. Toilets, Ice water. 1629.3____________SCHULENBURG, TEXAS...................1187.T 12.4 mi. Gravel. Pop. 1246. _ Elevation 410 ft. Tourist Camp-On OST .6 mi. west, in nice grove, supervised. Showers, toilets, tables and benches, ovens, wood, mail box. Records snow over 5000 cars carrying 18.000 people stopped at this camp in 1923. Country hotel. OST Director, J. C. Baumgarten. Schulenburg is the trading center for prosperous farming section. Pretty rolling hills, small, well-developed farms. Cotton seed flour mill and furnace factory. INFORMATION AND SERVICE J. C. Baumgarten, OST Director. Lumber and Furniture. 1616.9_____________FLATONIA, TEXAS________________________1200.1 29.1 mi. (4.5 mi. Gravel W. from Flatonia: 7.3 mi. Graded Dirt to Waeldcr; 17.5 mi. Gravel to Gonzales.) Pop. 995. Elevation 367 ft. Tourist Camp—In town, on OST. some shade, good drainage, water, toilets, tables and benches. Country hotel. OST Councilor. O. L. Lee. Trading center. Rolling country, well-kept farms. Cotton, corn, potatoes, hay; large turkey, chicken and egg market. INFORMATION AND SERVICE O. L. Lee Garage. Opp. depot. Chevrolet. Careful attention. 1587.S.............GONZALES, TEXAS—....................1229.2 San Marcos and Guadalupe Rivers. 34.0 mi. Gravel and Paving. Pop. 312S. Elevation 292 ft. Tourist Camp—(1) In town, shelter house, toilets, water. (2) On San Marco3 River 2 mi. west on OST. Fine natural grove. Supervised. Both camps maintained by the community. Country hotel. OST Councilor, O. B. Robertson. Gonzales is noted in the history of Texas liberation as the ‘‘Lexington of Texas.” Thirty-two of her men died in the Alamo. The Texans mobilized there and fired the first shot for Texas independence. Santa Anna invested the town. State Park reservation in the town on the OST. Civic improvements progressing,^ asphalt streets, golf, nice residences.^ Rich ’ wooded and farming country, rolling hills and valleys, cotton, corn and varied products, and industries. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Gonzales Chamber of Commerce. W. E. Donovan. Sec. Michelson Bros. Candies, fountain, lunches. Opp. Plaza. Beasley Auto Co. Garage. On Plaza two doors from hotel. Complete equipment. Rest room. Gonzales Motor Co. Garage. Complete equipment and conveniences. . _ » ##• Citizens Auto Co. Full service. Opp. Post office. 1553.8______SEGUIN, TEX. (Guadalupe River)---------------1263.2 19.9 mi. Paving. Pop. 3631. Elevation 538 ft. Tourist Camp-On Guadalupe River, south of town. Water, lights, fishing and bathing. Permits for golf course free at Chamber of Commerce. Two modern four-story brick hotels. OST Councilors. II. S. Mansfield and W. E. Lovett Towns of McQuceney, Marion and Cibolo on the way. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Seguin Buick Co. Service and storage. Opp. Aumont Hotel. Breustedt Bros.