;'»> Col. -7. H. IcCliutookt rhoenix, ..ri.aon;.. J .ALA )L ■ .a’r?p . • j’ron uho:.\i> tho floworn of Florida ;ki.n.:i on lii.n southern v Arizona hills Arci rich «J oo.-por pelf, :xn Vi',n to v.lora the c-estorn shores Croat tho incowinc; rtf-il,-■'re-rt»:•.<{ of tviries its r«y - fhc yood old ApanlrA, fr.c: 11. Die loro of --old, the hopa of f .Fie, CA1 fc drew tfo ;pani«r*<5 1 • Ay y. 'A in the ••i;j"ooe :;f.”-iew, *ho early .-5 panish'planned into .i-'Iori(]:; and up through So.ioo ond uuie'kl.y c> ,-riofl their expo .lit-inn's vcostmrrt until a''l the territory tr-urorso-t h tho Old Api-nin) frail to the And fio -ns trodden b- oenlnh foot. 2exas, A-.uv Mexico, Ariaonu v-.nl Southern California are rich in old p-.nish history. Oils v?ns tho wostv.-pr.V ta--rc;h of the a -.pi or or ;nd of live, hr *?n-'.Croo>.ort priest 'up thru old n«>:ieo. 1'ho other march v as v.'ofit-.vnt thru Florida .end Up thru t'.-.o northern shores of the Gulf oj>