August e i;>2S RSGHXPSS A2JI> DIOBURf;.!'HI£J73~- JANUARY 17—AHCrUAf -*>. » . „ And Memoranda vaxguroc. srvoa subject to corrootioii, Books in poos1 shaue. The <*i«« won however sir© aulatc'ntlally correct) RH0KIPT3 SSsico January :', the period of ny absence, the flan Antonio off'-00 lias received ©aah foil wo: ■ G:;Jh Balance, January «, Sant fi*oi3 3?'iSt by HBA " ' ' £b 00 Sail Antonio offigo, (Uoto—Iaa3au••.! H B 'Xho.-jyson fox* nonb.^rchips, Received fro© I? Reddrick,,. for adyortiKiiig,' Received fron nuudry. ra^&rshipff, Received froa Bel aio, 50} deposited, Total receipts, iaftasjjiS •5£ ~3 T..5 33 -• 3-3? 330 to 1350 ?>b ?S5T§4! 3>KBS»a®M!3BraS J> :.- Shrove, oaxaisslons, 753 R B 2haRp&an,• • souaif.sions, 2%* F Re&driciic, coor-iisrilcnn, 33 J/3p sad auto olipynnco 35 J3 Oolpj ralary to July <3 ” !! ©spoils os to not-lot or than 7-24-SS Office expenses?, holy, incidentals ot-c., rrlntidcs, && 605 IFord car, 33 43 i returned oks. 35 79 . Knight, narking,- 15 Baird, ooxvols^iaaa, 1 K3 79 I1BA, traveling eKpcnso nocteJ/s. 2, •• ic-v/ c-':>; acct.salary1 3 : r>:aac bnlmeo, August 1322-, dccs-mvealth Bank !I " ”!! ” city national Book, Ml ilBA payiabat to Gunter Hotel, not. on etch book, Biacropanoy (au-st await "bslanoo•. books .;nd audit) :,:G\ 27 'fixe auditors report of July 115th shows over^■.30 of 349 40 • ■■■;> 3 70 331 32 247 2t 14?2 13 U33 45 ? 1413 OC -3?l 03 • DC 73 :\r%T'3p . 3>2 44 . rST’ORAKDA About '31213 02 is duo cind unpaid for accounts osistdns yhsn- I loft, for rsnt^ Ixistory booklet si, aoribex’ohip cnblono, l’oad narldns, and {janeral printiiig. . Plenty of aonoy iiaa eono iix to Jiavs paid those acots. ”3':;ts3? sont by ao. fhe-iui aro. additional otaigationo for unfxamiod service, for which the alxjnr© coney« voy® collect oil. Apparently it will require 3909 to IS 500. to fulfill ro:*.son?.M.y. well tho olKLigatioivs estahliched, ' • shrove was givon 753 of coliootias cad tho OS? car. Colp at/'ton ho w&s to aarh -tho hlkb^ay, ulxere uniarn'kod, nnd to poy half tho cost of publishins tho sootioh naps. IIo has Ixion, apparently, overpaid his* cdoaloaions and is in default on puhliahing tho section, naps, and tho aarlciixg dono by lain is a reproach. Ho was not bonded, and nono of tho rogUlaticns for clteoking tho collections of solicitors wore applied to hia. Ho was allowed, without question, to collect hla 00335 oslcaxs by convorting 037 chocks and cash to his aect. At least 3715 cq appears of colloetlons convortod and withheld, and oven under tills rasa sing oontract ho ap,x»ar.i to have overdrawn. Ho was rocallodi reached Sen Antonio lloaday*, but no effort is evident to get Mn to coa to sob no.