Member Chamber op Commerce of the United States of America1 ft WHERE FAMOUS HIGHWAYS MEET 'p / Callaijassee Chamber of Commerce TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA Member Mississippi Valley Association INVITATION Come to “The Hill City of Florida” — You will be charmed with the scenery and climate. LEON COUNTY Most beautiful county in Florida: finest section for dairy farms and livestock, general agriculture, peaches, pecans, figs, tobacco, Satsuma oranges. NO TOUR -Jans 28,1922. Mr. H.B. Ayr as,Managing Director, Old Spanish Trail Association, Mobile, Ala. LIy dear 36*. Ayres: On July 19th, the Victory Bridge will be officially opened to traffic by the State Road Department. The coremonies will probably take place about five o’clock in the afternoon, a3 it i3 desired to hold them at an hoar that wi 11 enable people to come on the morning train from Pensacola and Jacksonville; the train from Jacksonville reaches River Junction about 4:30. The County Commissioners of Jackson and Gadsden counties have been requested by Chairman II. 3. Phillips of the State Road Department, to plan the program. I think it is a mistake to do this,since they are liable to make it like their usual country-style programs,when it should be kept to the highest standard,as this bridge is to be dedicated to the Florida soldiers,as a Memorial. To try to get the Commissioners to refrain from spoiling the event, I shall undertake to suggest to the Chairman at Quincy, Mr. J.H.Sylvester, to ask the Marinnna Board to meet with the Quincy Board to plan the program, and I can give a few hints to Mr. Sylvester which he nay carry out. Re want to keep politicians off the program,and keep the eoreraonios dignified and sacred to the purpose. It has occurred to me that if you think well of the plan to hold a meeting at the Court House at Quincy on the night of that day, in the interest of the OST, the people who come by train can just as wall taka the train from Quincy,and will have a better place to wait than at River Junction, and we can get all of the people on the eastern side,at least,who come in their oars; and if the bridge is open at night—as it will likely be,beginning that"night, the Marianna and Chipley folks who drive over to tiie dedioat : on oan stay over and attend the Quincy meeting. If desired, we could have a dance after the meeting, at hotel or Eik*s Club,perils >s? Ploaso let me hear from you at once,what to arrange for,if anything,and I will get buoy on arrangements and publicity. I am sanding carbon of this to Ban Antonio,not knowing where yon are. Sincerefy, V; . . OF FLORIDA IS COMPLETE UNLESS YOU SEE THE CAPITAL CITY TALLAHASSEE Capital of Florida. On the Dixie Highway and the old Spanish Trail. Most beautiful Inland city in the State—clean, progressive and moral. Commisslon-M anngor form of government. Abundant supply of pure water. Mild winters; heat of summer tempered by breezes from the Gulf and frequent showers. Nights generally cool. Average annual temperature, CG.8. Reasonable rents. Strong banks and up-to-date mercantile establishments. Electric lights, gas, telephone and telegraph connections. Splendid educational facilities—Florida State College for Women, line Grammar and High Schools, Private Schools. Churches of leading denominations. Creamery, Grain Elevator, Feed Mill and Cash Market for Produce and Livestock. Excellent hunting, fishing and bathing nearby. Golf course most picturesque in the South. All-year growing season. Forty acres is a large enough farm with intelligent cultivation. Land steadily advancing In price. Unexcelled for stock and diversified