SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS 334-5*6*7 Moore Bids. NEW YORK CITY 149 Broadway WASHINGTON. D. C. 952 Munsey Bldg. TAMPICO. MEXICO Euado 88 Orienie W. M. AIKMAN, INC. BUSINESS COUNSELLORS - INDUSTRIAL ENQINEERS AUDITINQ — S yS'TEMS — INVESTIQATIONS San Antonio, Texas September 15, 1922 Ur. hennoth V.'isaar, Chairmen, CommitLog on Audit .-jid b'in/moo. Old Spanish "mil Asnociatlon, San Antonio, Texas DtJtiv i‘ir:- Aotin-l n on the ore of yuir letter of August IS, 1922 v,o orooooded to tirin'* our audit of '.ho affoiro of tho uivJUL'JI TRAIL down to date and to turn a • \ r:tf survey of the affaire of said 0L-) si' JJISH 'ffi-.t, end rocweotfrl y >icg nt to y v. ora’ report upon tho Hewn. AJL2LL2 Cur Is,at adit end report on tho id Sponinh frail w-r an of .July 10, 1922, .ftor mr;iv.-; v.-udltod tho roceiplz :nd d.''’-rx-nts '..v have x’O.cved and /retsent •• v.-S(h a at'-ter. nt of sucih receipts and isburi it a from July 10, 1922 to August 26, 1922 which stuton--nt in attached hovnto -n:-•’•g-I A”, The tolanoe of oaoh on hnnclo acoordixvA to raid rocort is in the -run of (-249*29 which doors not inolndo \ s -rS in Iral-.nocj I the laood Jn the files for vooord. 1'ho error oomrrinft in tho over payor- nt of 100.40 to V. Colp oaouro1 by m: gon of tlio faot chat sufficient funds would not bo on hands at tho tine uuch 8 had boon paid and 'a lances odd lo a..r iod forward from time to tir-G end the ■—a- v.-as -do in xbr rinding of cor-t. is* balanoos.A.ll tlto ovonuaa for «rio-s v-so prop rly naonunt ed for and the ox: nr,"itiiroo ovl oncod by ro ©ipta --:.i cancelled ahoofca. ’>'0 aloe '-aide an iUiVit jf tho j'o eiptP nd **isfcuraenettta hadlod by '.V. II. J,. Ayxoo in obilo, Inborn. -. ’otailedi.o.hodnlo ofr.saoh receipts: aid :iebursom ntc bo in • •. - -nted 'wr-with -nd r: rbod "J-COEIBIT 3'!. Betel led li.fca of s-ulxs.criptionc r--.- pverentod to us showing tlie oouroae of morabershi s oxno -tin-; c .at in tho c -no of Baldwin County Alabam:i, a oort-- in • aid fund. Oimb v> c dv- s?.aod by . r. iiyc-'-o sv.ountln;; 60 •!. to oevor t‘.o dltsbmvo :• -ntes .-'do in thic oonsootlon. Viio tot 1 -loitat ;>f cuoii >•««. ipto v.-ac in tho . -i*n of 5,125.!',4 of * hloh amount 1,8 o.OO v.- •- tr noferrod to ;.:n • ntonio f:x> roamindor havioy lorn o?:,ondort fi- jurpanea of >ld : atiah Aral! no-cordir\d to tiic- otoiled acho do • >f o” on’ituron oiiov/n on raid . oho — ulo B., Then’ ia a bidanoo in tho B:«k of bbile In tho aum of