th;-: old mix From where the flowers of Florida L'milo on tae southern Gulf, So where the Arizona hills Are rice with copper pelf. And then to where the woetorn shores Greet the incoming noil, She rood of friary tvTinee its way— She good 016 dpuninh 'frail« She lure of gold, tho hope of fame, That drovr the Spaniard on, "hat a tooled hli a heart to high anpriao Aro never, never gone. 3at still today they fceokon pi? in O'er mountain, hill and dale, And still the ranks of chivalry ding on She Spanish frail — tho liioboo Roviow. She old Spanish Trail from Florida to California is the groat artery of travel for tho Southern Borderlands. It is tho trunk-Tin© for tho southern ports and centers of industry extending from 3t, Augustine, Florida, thru Rowan cols, Mobile, jjow Orleans, Lake Charles, Houston, Sen Antonio, ?Ti Peso, Douglas, Tuoeoa, Phoenix and Yuma to Jan Biogo, cellfornl?-. It is tho highway of the playgrounds of the South, the travolway to the Gulf and tho n Border points for sports and relaxation, end tho thread that binds together the scones of three centuries of romantic Brv nlsh adventure and conquest. Thru nest Texas the old Bptmiah Trail follows tho sc nie, rugged, and spriny-wntor country whoro • the pioncors vf present days are opening a land that nature thru post agon Iujs bleat, with many inspiring pictures.