RAILROAD CAUTION AND OTHER SIGNS Other necessary or desirable narking are the railroad, curve and signs. This Joint Board has adopted standards of these for all the S Sone States have already placed State types of signs. ,caution tnteo. Signs indicating the distance to towns and cities ahead are also desirable j also signs indicating points of interest, nones of rivers and sinilar information*. In sone states a good start has already been node with this sort of signing.* By conference and cooperation the Old Spanish Trail and the eight OST States can plan and establish a systen of narking that will be a pleasure to travelers, a pride to tho people and be alike in all the States fron .Florida to California. WHAT TRAVELERS WANT Travelers like a well narked route just as they like to tour a noted highway; they write for and like to have the naps, nileage, auto canp and hotel information; connunity data, the historical story and the other infor-uation an established highway association can gather and distribute; and they will renenbor and be led to tour the Old Spanish Trail when a nunber would be only a neaningless nuneral. This narking and this preservation of the none is now our big work and we nust succeed with this as we have succeeded the past eleven years in developing this trunkline for its service to our South country and to this and Old Spanish Trail friends can now help by 'whatever assistance seens best in their States. Harral B. Ayres Old Spanish Trail San Antonio, Texas Managing Director