THE PENSACOLA JOURNAI Frenchy hospital and are spending a £e’ days with Mrs. Wm, Blumer Sr., : her home -102 East Gregory street. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Quina accom panicd by Miss Margaret McCaslcil left by motor Friday for a short trl to Montgomery and Auburn, Al: While in the latter city they wi visit Mrs. Quina’s brother, Mr. Ken I noth Wilkins, who is a student ? the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Phil Sanchez and daughter: Sally and Ernistlne, and Mr. Tom my Johnson and daughter Abbh left yesterday morning for Quine to attend the football game. Miss Nelda Porter, who is a sti dent at the Woman’s College, Mont gomery, Ala., is spending the wee end with her parents, Mr. and Mr W. G. Porter, of 1S22 East Gadsde street. Misses Lida and Mary Virgin! Malone and their cousin, Mr. Georg Malone left Friday night for Quine to spend the week-end with Mr. an Mrs. George Malone and attend th football game. Mrs. D. R. Read of Milton, spei Friday in the city and attended ^1