J5r. Co z„ hla.I:onloy, ,3 DlatocCLoy “iti'iO hopciivinf: Shop# Yonnaoolr. , l?lo:rfLC.c.o boar Sir: Your lotto:: of tho 181;: . last* roobivoft, go:.vtonta noted. ~iOoJ.:o*c load r tVi>B illp-otr. .tod edition of 1917, I an no:::.’;/ I . ;:vo not , 10 of x oan send • m, >ut I eia toda$ fining your lev to:: on to hr* Iioclco, v/lth tho ro* /.lent t :,t o muh one to you ao t u t , ou ttIH (et It before July - it* If, by arc/ oiauoo, yon havo .<>t roaoivof. t -.in by «italy let, I con I t on nvo a.>.o of t. .0 Official Guidon, prico •1.00, also by Mr* Harry Loefco, v/hioh gives : nu tho Old Spanish 2rr.il iron Florida, to California, but *t 000 not pivo ; >r; fri Gosr ioctlnp nort and south IiIiiq:;. 1 \7ill bo V’. • pi- d to aoo ; ; v/hor. >: nol: r • t■ ::oppj> Yobilo 00. -, otv.- -./ay* You can bo 0:? :co t anoi. rv .00 to .0 or. your tsiv) aorono t o count::.-, by ovory nor/ a:id than iron hr . :o a pool; card9 •"virri ./• 00. ”it.ion o:C rondo as ou -/ini’, tho „ thus pivi:y 'to no f.lrnt m;:iu i. . 'ion of •roooat ;;o. ili-ion of tho Old ^Spanish 2v. il. Youro truly. 8 I.oB/:8 CCCH 12 M. c/c l-r. Harry IiOol:o, - •GS8 South Olivo ;:to, Ion A- igoloo, Gal. Juno 10, 191V «