RECEIVED AT COMMERCIAL NAT'L BARK BLDG., 14th & G SIS,, II. W. WASHINGTON, D. G. ‘322 JUN 26 ,6' ;o 05 Ci: SA‘:U7T02JI0 TEX 826A 2 6 ■: z .\YRES 465 BUKLIl'ICTOIT H0T2L OOSEIZICTO:: DC DOKT COME HOI-TS EOR D&.VIS tTOUETAIN COBV ES5TIOM 5EE LETTER D E COL?. L RTissTf ssrvic" ’r } Telegram_________________ I Day letter_________Blue___ ! Wight Message______Hite t i Might tetter_______it L If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a tclearam. Other* wiscits character is indicated by the I symbol appearing after the check. cl"o cr rrnvicr ' svM*m. Telegram___________________ Day Letter__________Blue Might Message_______Hite Night Letter 1 N L If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this i3 a tcleoram. Other* wiscits character is indicated by the symbol appearing after the check. 3Di S