November SO, 1322 S2A2.;3!nSII5 OF AGG0UH2 FOB SMVIG38 '.mil H.E.ijRRS As agreed upon at the meeting ox the isecutive Oomnitteo Hot. 2811922 to run to Dooeitiber SI, 1922, and Intended, not or- salary, tut to cover general living expenses for this period of service, it the Gulfport Convention, Jav •, .r; >:s, XV.,1 \ hj Directors mat and passed a resolution as herewith, it ho in;'.: understood the • inaging Director should roooiiTo ;,500 00 per month. is is waived. * * * Services begun August 1919 but in n-roouont with Chamber Commerce, San Antonio, salary was to begin September 1, 1929. Chamber Oora-yoroe responsibility ended v;ith Convention, Hot.14-10, 1913, Gunter Hotel. Deceived uy H.-i.A. from beginning to January 27-28, 1921 (Gulfport Convention report, A. '.Hoppes, Drone.) cud as audited gj Aifcaan, copy of andit herewith....... .................................. (>3025 00 Received following Gulfport Convention to Doc. 31, 1921, ((100 00 in Gulfport accounts makes VI50 oo total 1921},,. 650 00 deceived in 1922 to da to , ........................ 1300 00 Sotal received by to date, ................. 04975 00 Prom September 1, 1919 to December 01, 1922, 3 years and 4 months at ' 5000 00 per gear,....................... 10000 00 hue E.2.Agios, under agreement, ..................... (5025 CO ADDISIOUAl— G-unter Hotel rent item, Balance expenses returning to San Antonio from Just, Sundry cash disbursements, August 7 to date, dotails herewith, SALARy HflCAPEBOLAS*IQH— 1919 - 5 nos.O 875 00 1920 - 12 aoc. 2050 00 1921 - 12 mos, 750 00 1922 « 11 mos. 1300 00 (to date) £4975 00 200 00 30 34 60 29 (.•53155 63