r CABLES "DYXPRESS"BOSTON Richard G. Badger Publisher The Gorham Press 194 Boylston Street Boston, 17 15 April 1922 POET LORE A MAGAZINE OF LETTERS THE JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY BADGER’S STUDIES IN LITERATURE C LASS I CAL STUDIES STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY STUDIES IN ETHICS STU Dl ES I N SCI ENCE STU Dl ES I N SOCIOLOGY STUDIES IN ETHNOLOGY STUDIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY LIBRARY OF RELIGIOUS THOUGHT RATIONAL SEX SERIES PRESENT DAY PROBLEMS SERI ES BADGER’S PSYCHOLOGICAL SERIES STUDIES IN MENTAL HYGIENE PUBLIC SPEAKI NG SERI ES AMERICAN DRAMATISTS SERI ES POET LORE PLAYS BADGER’S LIBRARY OF EDUCATIONAL METHODS BADGER’S LIBRARY OF TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE I;*r. K. B. Ayres Bedell Building San Antonio, Texas Bear hr . Ayres : •' o n * t you let us have a word from you at this time concerning the manuscript which we are still holding? If you .are contemplating publication we shall be glad, to take the matter up with you. If not, then kindly let us know what is to be done with the manuscript. Faithfully yours, RICHARD G. BADGER E /C > VOCATIONAL BOOKS STANLEY PHILLIPS. LONDON MELBOURNE 4. CHRISTCHURCH CALCUTTA ( RICHARD G. BADGER R. HILL