OIiNKItAl COI.HMAN I)U PONT Trustee and Chairman Hoard op National Coucillorh DnvlH Library IliRhway EnKineerinir and Trnn-port University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich NATIONAL •.liialiVVAYS AS SCCI&T’.ICK ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Charles Davis, c. k. TRUSTEE AND PRESIDENT O R G A N I Z A T ION DIRECTORS I NCORP O R AT E D A. D. NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWELVE IN TIIE CITY OF WASHINGTON. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A membership corporation which crisis to favor, foster and further the development of NATIONAL HIGHWAYS and GOOD ROADS EVERYWHERE in the length and breadth of thrve United SUtea of Ameriea. and to aecure Use benefits—social moral, commercial, industrial, material, educational and personal—in the progress and uplift of the American people which follow in the train of easy intercommunication and transit between the RTtat centers of population and distribution and the ffrcal rural productive areas of the Nation, and *o “bind the States together in a common NATIONAL TRUSTEES NATIONAL BOARD OP DIRECTORS BOARD OF NATIONAL COUNCILLORS >» cf AMaiM 'SSSSS'.fSTSTuS3 COUNCIL ofmoSTuGINF-EM CSSS" NEwiiEHB'B.BE,,s COUNCIL OF COMMISSIONERS lathsUaiudStates Si Member* Sut* Highway Comr-uiorj AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS <70 Highway. Ccsuwreal sad MAP SHOP 3211 THIRTEENTH STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON. D. C. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Olo Slip, New York City /X/ WORK SHQP V\»'' /)