last people the Bolwli a,id their nice "Oirt in the open.'(^ a :ou perhaps know these cracke: attitude towards t.cose not wanted, so you can guess the rest, '.,'e are about forty eight miles from Gainesville, same distance from Ocoia, thirty from Bunnellon; 120 from Jacksonville and about that part from Tamp,- Not many miles from hey .'est. Otter Greek is six miles away, Archer twenty and ^ronson some where up that same road. In other words we ar^a small town owned by the lumber company, located about center of twenty years cut of hardwood mixed timber. Yes the mosquitoes were here first and seem t intend to remain. The first question you sho Id ask if you ever come here is not 'Have you used Pears Soap" but—"How is your malaria this morning" or "Are the fleas still bud around your house" and 'Bo you have any idea just when the knats will call it a season and depart?". But aside from all this everything is alright, than!: you. rite to us sometime and tell us all about your work and future nlans along this life work of yours, it h • always interested me can assure you., that is why back in those days, seemingly ages Ego, I love-.'to criticise it so splendid wor: All the family send their be3t wishes for the future for you and -our Sincerely your friend J